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August 11th, 2014

[info]artiebarclay in [info]lostandfound_ic

Tuesday 12th August

Who: Brynn and Arthur
where: Arthur's bedroom
When: The early hours of Tuesday
What: Artie is rudely awoken by his so-called friend
Rating: Swearz - a brief scene to explore their friendship

What are you doing here? )

[info]colletteadebt in [info]lostandfound_ic

Tuesday August 12th

Who: Collette and Arthur
What: An early morning meeting
Where: Arthur's apartment
When: Tuesday the 12th, roughly 7am
Rating: Low
Warnings: None

It was early, and Collette's heels clacked crisply on the floor boards. Seven a.m. was not much to a vampire, when she had been up before the sun to walk to the main campus. Her dark hair was loose around her shoulders, though in its looseness there was obedience, as though even her own hair would not lose its professionalism. She held a file tucked into her arm, held close to her chest as she walked with purpose. And when she reached the door she sought, Collette gave a sharp rap with her knuckles, the echo in the hallway loud enough to stir a few members of staff still sleeping. Hopefully it was enough to stir Mister Barclay as well.

At least he'd had the decency not to show up at the door in his underwear, unlike some. )