March 1st, 2010

[info]shesborntorun in [info]lost_in_time

Time And Time Again

Who: Kate and anyone
Where: The Island
When: Just before and after the crash

One minute Kate Austen was on the plane, hands in cuffs, brain racing attempting to figure her way out of this situation. Always resourceful, this seemed hopeless; no thing she knew things were never hopeless unless you were dead.

In an instant, they were in a war zone, bags fell from the overhead bins; passengers thrown forward, some into the isles, unfastened seat belts dangling like an octopus swimming through the water. Jolted to the side, the baggage fell from above her hitting the officer, Edward Mars, knocking him out.

Grabbing the oxygen masks she put on one and then one on her arresting officer. Scrambling, she managed to get the keys out of his pocket, unlocking her cuffs, right before the plane crashed.

Body parts, baggage and plane parts scattered across the island for miles; then everything went black.

The sickening smell of gasoline filled her nostrils; causing her to gag and subsequently cough. She was unhurt, yet a bit bruised.

Aching, she stood trying to remember what happened. She didn’t remember getting on a plane; in fact there was a major gap in her memory. The last thing she remembered was talking to her mother in the kitchen, arguing was more like it, begging her mother to leave the son-of-a bitch.

Shaking her head, as if to clear it, dark curls dancing around her face, she started pulling people away from the plane; she felt odd.

A few steps away, lay a handsome man, obviously a business man from the way he was dressed. The only sign of life was his chest moving back and forth. There weren’t any outward signs that he was hurt so she started tugging on his arms slowly dragging him up the beach. He seemed so familiar to her; maybe they were traveling together.

Pulling him (Jack), she looked around at the faces. Some were faces she swore she knew, with others weren’t as familiar. Kate decided she was suffering from short-term amnesia.

“Is there a doctor,” she yelled, assessing the situation, it wasn’t good.

Her mind was clicking with all the things they should do. Help would be on the way, there was a black box aboard every plane. The thought made her feel better, not just because of a rescue, but because her memory wasn’t totally gone.