October 18th, 2009

[info]shesborntorun in [info]lost_in_time


Sans our first arc, we are ready to start. There are questions I've asked in the OOC and others to follow your answers will determine our first arc.

Stephanie is out of the country until November 10th. So we'll starting threading closer to that date. I know her, she'll be dying to jump in and won't have the time in Europe.

All information that was here has been moved to the OOC. This post will be deleted when we start threading.

Regardless of the physical day, we will use our imaginations to pretend it's either Oct. 30 or 31. Have fun playing with it and have some spooky posts. Then we'll jump to the real time as in date of the month.

Until we begin the community we’ll use journal challenges to get started. Journal challenges are optional. These challenges are used for character development and just plain fun. The post icons will have journal icon on it. Everyone should comment to the post if you want to participate. (If you feel the need to make comments to someone’s journal challenge do it in the ooc.)All forms of sharing this information: diary, first person, third person, rp the scenerio and narrative are just some examples of how you might post to a challenge.

I have the character journal challenge icons posted in the OOC icons. Most of the characters have journals there. For those who don’t I’ve added blank icons that you can take and personalize the way you prefer, or make ones for those I haven’t.

I'll email everyone when the community is starting. I'm chosing to post things here and on the OOC so you can read at your convience, instead of sending you a million emails.


[info]shesborntorun in [info]lost_in_time

Challenge One

While on the island, describe your happiest moment.