May 1st, 2011

[info]arthur_ in [info]loremooc

So this isn't the right journal because I'm waiting for mod approval, but I couldn't wait to introduce Duncan Yaxley over at [info]yaxity.

Duncan is a fifth year Slytherin and the heir to the Yaxley throne. He's not sure it's what he wants, but he's easily swayed by the promise of power. He's a complete charmer, and will use his wiles to get people to do things for him/get out of trouble. He doesn't hesitate to use the people around him for whatever they can give him. Most notably is his sister's position of Head Girl which he happily lauds over everyone he can, especially younger students.

He's not really a "joiner" but will do whatever his parents tell him. He's wound a little tight and doesn't often let himself have too much fun, but he's also witty and enjoys making jokes at others expense. Currently his parents are trying to force his romantic interests on Inigo Imago, but I'm up for former love interests/snogs or whatever. He also needs friends, enemies and everything in between!

[info]fond_of_strange in [info]loremooc

Attention ladies and gentlemen, introducing my second character: the one and only Xenophilius Lovegood! Head on over to [info]fond_of_strange to check out his full bio but I'll give you the jist of it here.

He is the eccentric, fun-loving guy that we all know and love. Obsessed with Crumple-Horned Snorkacks(just check out his costume from the ball!), loves inventing things even if they don't work, and all around free spirit. Xeno is a 6th year Ravenclaw and Prefect, so don't get on his bad side! Okay just kidding, he really doesn't have too much of a bad side. Though he is a bit out of the ordinary and can seem like his head is always in the stars, don't underestimate him because he observes more than the other students may think.

He gets along with pretty much everyone, though others may not always get along with him. Always open to plot ideas! Hit me up on AIM at LPJayJay, I'm almost always on.