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The Lord and Master

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One for the gamers! [Apr. 14th, 2009|11:25 am]

The latest Neurotically Yours episode is called "Achievements" and this is one all the gamers should check out.

I liked this one. Good rant.
link2 praised Foamy|praise Foamy

New Episode: A Woman's Deceit [Jan. 18th, 2009|11:15 pm]


A Woman's Deceit

Thoughts )
linkpraise Foamy

New Episode [Jan. 9th, 2009|10:00 pm]


I suppose if I'm going to have a Neurotically Yours community, the least I can do is keep it updated when there's new episodes. So here's the latest episode. Watch. Enjoy. Discuss. Please discuss. Not much of a community if nobody participates.

A Missing Element
linkpraise Foamy

New Episode! [Apr. 17th, 2008|10:56 am]

[Emotion | amused]

Okay, in an attempt to keep this place active I shall try to remember to post reminders of the new episodes every other week. But this isn't a community if I'm in this alone. Talk, people! Or make icons or something. Something...

This week's new episode: Germaine the Stalker NSFW

Honestly, Neurotically Yours is never safe for work because Foamy swears like a sailor, but hey, gotta warn, just in case.

My thoughts on this one: Pretty amusing. Got some smiles. No chuckles or out loud laughs, though. Also a little more visually vulgar in the sex department than I'm used to with Neurotically Yours. No Germaine didn't get naked and no there's not actual sex depicted, but...well, just watch it and find out for yourself.
linkpraise Foamy

New Episode Thursday [Dec. 27th, 2007|06:57 pm]

[Emotion | amused]

Check out the new episode and discuss what you think.

Hammers and Floodlights
linkpraise Foamy

Favorite Episodes [Dec. 13th, 2007|10:02 pm]


As your humble moderator, I'd like to welcome everyone to this asylum. So let's get things going.

What's your favorite episode of Neurotically Yours?

It's hard for me to choose as there are a handful of episodes that I could watch over and over again. Some of my favorites include the Akon Convention (nothing can beat the Boob of Death!), the Bitch-Hermit episode (eBay is a legitimate source of income), and the Amityville Toaster episode (yumyumyum, human hand). I also love just about any episode that features Pilz-e including the one with the medicated baby heads and eye stigmata.

Extra medication for all!
linkpraise Foamy

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