February 17th, 2011

01:36 pm

Looking Ahead RPG | Looking Ahead Authors
Looking Ahead Cast | Apply | Game Rules

The year is 2025 and the wizarding world is undergoing a change.
Seven years at Hogwarts is no longer all it takes to make it.
Our students must expand their horizons and further their study...

At University.

James Potter and his fellow NEWT graduates struggle with life-changing decisions while their siblings come to terms with the new world order and get ready to take on their own roles in the real world. Will all Universities measure up? Will childish antics come to an end? Find out, as we all Look Ahead.

Game Play On!
University Begins Sept. 1st!

01:45 pm
[info]lookingmods: Cast List

Feel free to apply for characters not listed here; we welcome all characters - minor and major! The application can be found here. Feel free to spread the word! You're welcome to play more than one character, but please keep in mind the time commitment before applying more than once. *Up for recasting, in-game history.
meet our lovely cast members )
Heads of House
Neville Longbottom
Matthew Morris
Ian Cohen
Adrian Pucey

Hogwarts Professors (*open)
DADA - Harry Potter
Flying - Ginny Potter-Weasley
Charms - Melanie Morris
CoMC - Matthew Morris
Potions - Adrian Pucey
History of Magic - Ian Cohen
Astronomy - Patrick Johnson*
Transfiguation - Shirley Apple*
Divination - Firenze*
Nurse - Eva Girard*
Arithmancy - Altrius Chomey*
Muggle Studies - Hestia Kalak*
Ancient Runes - Professor Blackburn*