Through the Looking Glass

January 21st, 2008

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Through the Looking Glass - BTVS


January 21st, 2008

Misunderstandings & Misery

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01 20 2008

Rupert frowned and pulled his notebook closer, writing down more detailed notes from the text he was reading. It was enlightening but...worrying.

Jessie opened the door and entered the room without speaking. She held it open for Buffy and noticed that Giles was reading from Ethan's book, but she didn't say anything.

Buffy entered the apartment and went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a soda without a word.

"Er, hello," Rupert said, looking over his glasses at both women. Neither of them looked very happy.

Buffy came into the living and sat down with a shrug. "Yay."

Jessie looked at Giles and then at Buffy. "I need to clean up this knife. Thanks again for letting me use it. Er... you two should talk."

Oh dear, Rupert thought. Talking. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Nope, not me, I'm going to go continue my party by taking a nap," Buffy said.

Jessie sighed. "Look, I don't want to betray a confidence, but Buffy, I think you should talk to your watcher about... everything you shared with me. He can help, where obviously, I can't."

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