London Zoo's Journal
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Thursday, January 7th, 2010

    Time Event
    Hello everyone! So I would like to bring Lea here and I wanted to know if anyone is interested to have a storyline with her. Lea can be a nerd who often finds a little time in her day to daydream about Egypt or her future plans. Lea can be witty, funny, sometimes a bit spontaneous, or even impulsive. The optimist who is open-minded and can't get enough of music, reading, singing, playing the guitar, and enjoying life. She has an a thirst for adventure which can sometimes get the better of her but she's still pretty much grounded. She loves a challenge, and has an extreme weakness for a mocha frappachino with extra foam which she feels is heavenly and can't get enough of marshmallows.

    Lea's love of music came from her father who use to sing to her even before she was born. Her loving and caring nature cam from her parents who raise her the best way they knew how. Now even though she can also come off as the shy type, when you get to know her it's like mother like daughter.

    Current Mood: happy

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