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[16 03 @ 4p]

Hi guys, this is Felix's player. I mentioned this guy as an idea in this comm not too long ago, and I did end up apping him.

Here's Kenji Lin, 32 year old rich Taiwanese-British dual citizen, grew up in New Taipei but has lived in London for the last decade. Full bio here, but the short form is:
  • He oversees four establishments technically owned by his father's company (a quirky Victorian pub and music venue called Boom, a trendy and high-tech nightclub called Sugar, a high end bar and restaurant called Vanilla, and a ritzy stripclub called Instinct).
  • He likes to throw his money around and play VIP, so frequents these and other clubs a lot. He often has pretty women with him.
  • He is a hobbyist photographer and has a small studio and darkroom in central London. Sexy photography, but artsy and interesting because shallow/vapid sexiness doesn't appeal to him. He hides it from daddy because his strict father doesn't approve of creativity. (Apparently I like characters with daddy issues.)
  • He comes from money, so he also has a penthouse flat, drivers/bodyguards/personal assistant, shiny motorbike, spends like crazy, etc.
  • Personality wise, he's a bit of an ass. Blunt/entitled, non-emotive, superior, even callous. He's not like, a monster, but he does enjoy having power. So, he's kind of a bit of the gangster sort, I guess. (Attitudinally, that is. He doesn't go around killing people. It's all legitimate business, even the strip club.)

He is a bit of an odd fellow and I'm not quite sure how he'll work in a game, honestly, so it'll be interesting to see what unfolds.

Anyone see any openings for connections? Women he's photographed? Dated? VIPs at any of his businesses? Employees? People he has snubbed? Friends (few and far between though they may be)?

Jim - play at Boom or Vanilla sometimes?
Thomas - security something?
Kensington residents - any neighbours with interactions/opinions?

[16 03 @ 5p]

Hi, there! I was wondering two things. A) could Jenna be used IG for anything and B) Would anyone be willing to pick up a Channing for a line. I have nothing set in stone in my mind, so we can discuss it all and find out what works! Thanks a million!

AIM: EthanDorianGiroux or Comments [16 03 @ 11a]

[ mood | calm ]


This is Ethan Giroux with the face of Nick Bateman. He's of French decent and is 31 going on 32. And that's all I've got! LOL.

If you're looking for lines and think he might fit, comment or IM me! I need any and all lines for him.


[14 03 @ 6a]

I was gone for a long while because life kind of just took a shit on me. It still hasn't really let go, but I feel slightly better and I'd like to try to bring this girl back, if [info]ziacenza will have me back that is. I want to revamp Lili a bit, but I'd like to keep her as Zia's sister (again, if Zia-s will have me back) and keep it that she moved to London for a guy, keep it that she's still not as famous as Zia, but i'd like to rough her up around the edges a bit, give her a little bit more confidence than she had the first time around. I have no idea what characters are around here anymore, but if anyone would like her for anything I am more than happy to brainstorm (and am currently in the middle of a 16 hour shift at work so please distract me lol). I would really like the guy she moved to London for to be an edgier, dodgier sort of character (preferably a photographer or a musican), a bad boy with at least part of a good side, but again I'm open to brainstorming. Her basics are in her journal. Those probably won't change much if at all.

[11 03 @ 10a]
Thinking about bringing my Irishmen into the game. I am still working him out but here is what I have so far. David is a 28 year old footballer. Spend most of his life in London where he was raised by his aunt and uncle. He is truly one of the more colorful characters of the league. He is know to dance a Irish jig after scoring goals, singing and chanting with fans, speaking bluntly at press conferences and critiquing teammates who he feels like need to work on their game. Plus a handful of off the pitch stunts, like speeding thought the streets in his green sports car, clubbing all night and other things that always seem to make it into the news. He is smart and charming, like to push his limits and takes risks. He is a little on the spoiled athlete side but not overly so. He is very approachable and loves his fans. But he has a temper, and a ego, and pretty much does what he wants.

I am not looking for much coming in. Friends are always fun to have, if someone wants some Irish cousins I can provide that, and I am also looking for a WAG of shorts. This will be a on again/ off again type of line and I want us to have fun with it. They Love to drive each other crazy, and push each other's limits. One moment they can be seen making out in a booth at a pub, and just hours later she is outside smashing the windows of his car with a golf club. I can provide more details on what I am looking for.

[03 03 @ 5p]

This is Spencer Cameron. Born in America, but only by accident. He was raised (from three weeks) in Germany where his father was stationed in the military and his mother was living, working as a painter. He did, however, spend a decade in San Francisco for college and the like. Now, he's followed his girlfriend, [info]danni, here to London. He's a curator at a art museum because he loves art but has no artistic abilities.

He's a nice guy with only instances of douchebagry. Lines anyone?

Please allow me to introduce himself [02 03 @ 2p]

After a very very long semi-hiatus, where I haven't been well, my work schedule has been crap and over all real life fuckery, I think I have the time and proper inclination to be involved in this lovely game once more.

This is Ned Carlisle, played by the incomparable Tom Hiddleston. Ned is 33, newly married to his longtime love [info]adelemay, soon to be adopted father to Asher, caretaker of Daisy the English bulldog, Astrid the cat and The Dragon (tm), younger brother of [info]livcar, uncle to her daughter Parker (whom he affectionately nicknamed 'Grapefruit' and been calling her that since she was in the womb) and surrogate sibling to [info]elliegibson. He currently works for the BBC in the Radio division as a voice actor for their World War I programming and used to work in the Television side as a production assistant for several dramas and most notably for BBC Sport's 2012 Olympic coverage. He spent a fair chunk of time in the States working for Baer Bones productions but met his American wife during the London Olympics.

He is the classic 'Jack the Lad' gone mostly good, though he and Adele get into a fair amount of trouble together. He loathes his in-laws with an unholy passion, especially his father-in-law and his sister-in-laws, both of whom he has little to no use for in the least. He likes to chat to new people, is far too wordy and sappy for his own good and will defend his family pretty much to the death if need be.

Obviously there' snot romantic connection needed (unless ou reallly want to see how hotheaded his American Southern can get) but reconnections for friendships, etc are always needed.

Maybe New Char? [01 03 @ 12p]

Hey guys!

I know I said I'd probably be gone for a bit, but I have a little more time on my hands more suddenly than I expected, so after I caught up on some sleep and got a bit of distance from the work mess, creativity got a bit easier.

So! I'm considering apping a new character who popped to mind, but I can't decide if he'd fit in this game and so I thought I'd throw up a post here and see if there was an interest for story lines with him. I'm just going to be up front and say I'm only really interested in bringing him in if there might be some romantic SL interest, lol, so if there is, awesome. If not, then no biggie and I'll focus on Felix for now!

Okay, rambles. Here's the short info: Kenji Lin, male, 32, heterosexual, Taiwanese/British dual citizen, from a very rich rich rich but strict family, runs the London side of the family restaurant business (which now includes a nightclub, a restaurant/bar, and a pub/music venue). His hobby is erotic photography, and he's recently (and secretly because his family would disapprove) purchased a small studio and darkroom in central London to play with that a bit more. He has some power/control issues leftover from his strict upbringing and struggles a little with being creative as a result.

Uhhh, not sure what else to say. NGL, now that I write it out like this it's making me think 50 Shades of Grey, lmao. Not what I meant to do, but he is a rich, maladjusted sort. Face of Godfrey Gao. Anyway, I have whipped up a quick bio for him I'll copy & paste behind a cut since I have it, but it doesn't expand much on what I've written above so feel free to ignore it. :)

More about Kenji Lin )

Is Kenji interesting to anyone? Should I set up a journal with some of these tasty Godfrey Gao icons?

[28 02 @ 7p]

Hi everyone. I plan on applying Jim soon. He's originally from Scotland, spent some time in London and has spent a lot of time in the states. He's a character that I've been playing for a while now so he's my baby. He's going to be moving in with [info]livcar. Strictly platonic but the line is going to develop into a romantic one. He's a lounge singer and plays piano.

So. Yeah :)

[12 02 @ 9p]

Hi guys! This is Lola, a native of London. She's a quirky little pregnant illustrator that loves graphic novels, tattoos, and aliens. I'm pretty flexible if anyone has lines they're interested in plotting over. The only thing set in stone is that she has an ex-husband, [info]alfredturner, and an ex-sister-in-law, [info]fayturner. Everything else, siblings/friends/fellow geeks and/or weirdos, I'm down for discussing it!

[03 02 @ 10p]

london, jack; jack, london. jack is another pesky american that's probably not needed but bear with me! specifically, he's a big damn hero that wants absolutely nothing to do with life before london. he's currently an engineer in bae's aerospace division and has lived in westminster (specifically marylebone) for almost two years now and he needs everything. despite being an ubernerd, he is high enough up in the company that he's sort of forced out to ~cultural events~ and cocktail hours so he does have somewhat of a social life. he's sort of the eager all-american type that's a bit too friendly for his own good. i'm also willing to be flexible, so basically? all the lines, please!

[03 02 @ 7a]

Hello, Hello! I would have done this yesterday, but I started a new job and was exhausted! SO here I am this morning. I bring you Britain Morey (yes she's named Britain). She's originally from San Fransisco by way of Seattle and New York, she's a graduate from Columbia University with a major in Dental Hygiene, but decided to forgo any shot of being a dentist and being in the family business because it just wasn't her dream anymore. Moving to London was one of her big steps into being on her own fully, and she's even got herself a fancy modeling contract, which she does small shops and things like prom dresses, top shop nothing too big. She's friends with both [info]bjoie and [info]rfmartinez so there is that! She also has her favorite guy coming in [info]brodash so hopefully there will be the four amigos again!

Anyway, she is open to lines, Brit is fairly friendly she's an animal lover who is allergic to cats, but it won't stop her from picking one up.

[01 02 @ 12p]

Hello everyone! This guy was here several months ago and I had to back out due to irl issues. Things have settled so I have brought Lucas back in with a new face and a blank canvas. Before, he was dating Peyton but I am starting him from scratch. So with this Lucas, he probably knows Peyton through association but has not had a relationship with her.

He works with his father and Nat (his beloved sissy) at Open Book Publishing. He went to New York City in the last few months to try out a position in teaching music and marry a girl (who is not in play at the moment). Long story short, the job didn't work out and she dumped him so he's back in London. He's dedicated to the publishing company now, although he does give music lessons on the side.

He needs everything really. Who's up for plotting? I'm so happy to be back!!

[24 01 @ 11p]

Hopefully I will be bringing in this handsome footballer.

Nikos Manolas was born to a modest family in Greece. Nikos started playing soccer at a early age, where his mental toughness and dedication to the game that set him apart as a true professional, and made him the star that he is today. At age 10, he joined soccer club Olympiacos F.C's youth academy, a renowned training ground for some of the sport's most promising young players. In the summer of 2003, he showcased his impressive talent in the FIFA U-17 World Championship in Finland, and a few months later he signed his first professional contract, with the Premier League club Arsenal. Arsenal has a reputation for developing young players, plus they offered him more money then Olympiacos was willing to pay him.

He moved into a home in Barnet, Hertfordshire, that was own by a woman who would take in young players from time to time, to earn extra money. Nikos stayed in England for a few years, only to return to Greece in order to play in his home country in front of his sick mother. But now he is back in England. His temperament is a mixture of flaming ego, hot temper, stubbornness, great personal charm and warmth, and a wit that shines through adversity. An irrepressible buoyancy, a vivacious spirit, a kindliness and tolerance for the common frailties of man and a feeling that 'it is time enough to bid the devil good morning when you meet him.

As far as lines goes, I am looking for friends, teammates, and people he use to party with. I would love to find a female that he was close to and short of dating, I have a few ideas on this.

[12 01 @ 5p]

Just going to toss this up because I have been MIA & I am sure a lot has changed, new faces, etc.

Liam is a 24 yr old punk musician and general layabout from Ireland. Hobbies = drinking, fighting, playing live shows, and any good night includes all three. He is political to the extreme. Can be a total dick. Amendment, is a total dick. Current lines (as far as I know):

[info]sindraven holds the key to his cage
[info]miavincent friend, occasional collaborator, ex
[info]wlark occasional collaborator

[10 01 @ 5p]

Hi all! I just held this PB, Fo Porter, and I'm looking for lines as I develop the character. I did read through the Wanteds but inspiration didn't yet strike so I thought I'd try posting here first with a few details about the character and see if there's any interest.

Name: Felix Jane Ashbury
Age: 22 or so
- She works in Camden at Worlds End Pub, living in a shitty, dilapidated studio flat nearby.
- With the name Felix, her short hair, and her flat chest, she every so often gets mistaken for a boy. She doesn't mind.
- She parties hard and dabbles in drugs, so when her lifestyle exceeds her serving income, she busks with a guitar from her dad, does a little dealing, or (in dire straights) puts out for cash.
- She's a bit quirky and odd personality wise (she's a songwriter and lyricist, and can sometimes be kind of abstract). Don't let her preppy-nicey-nice appearance fool you, though; she can be self-destructive.
- She used to be in a rock soul band called Sugar Spun that played around London for a few years. They broke up a recently and Felix is choked.
- Bio now up here

Does anyone have any lines she might fill so she could come in with some plot? (Hoping she gets accepted, obvs.)

I'm Robyn, btw. And if there's AIM chat happening, or if that's easier to plot, I just made "freckledfelix". :)

[26 12 @ 1p]

Hello all! I hope you're all having a lovely holiday season and maybe (just maybe) I can make it a tiny bit better! I'm looking to bring in this bouncy little ray of sunshine - Bailey Yorke, a 23-year-old American transfer who makes her primary living as a variety act on YouTube. She's transferring to the London Film School where she'll continue working on her Masters in Filmmaking, which she's started in Seattle. She's also a teensy bit of a musician which has garnered her a little bit of attention - most recently, she performed in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, which is when she truly fell in love with the place and started putting in work for the next chapter of her life.

She could use a little bit of well..everything! People she met during her two short trips over (she wouldn't have missed Ryley's wedding for the world, so she was here for that too!), a new roommate (bonus points if they can tolerate her spurts of hyperactivity), fans of her ridiculous channel - any and everything is pretty much up for grabs! I'm looking forward to plotting with you all!

[06 12 @ 6a]

hello all! i'm here with thomas, whose bio is in the journal but as a short version: he's 28, a recent transplant from the border counties (complete with a bit of residual welsh accent), basically trying to get back on his feet and become something like okay again after basically losing his young son to his ex-girlfriend. he's an aspiring author who, like most aspiring anythings, works at a starbucks. he's a really easy going guy if a bit shy and with some pretty bad trust issues -- but he loves people and is happy to respond when reached out to.

i'm looking for anything at all for him! roommates, regular customers who are just sort of starting not to see him as the new guy anymore after six months, tentative new friends... come on in, the water's fine!

[30 11 @ 1a]
I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, and made it out of Black Friday alive.

I would like to introduce Christopher Fox, a 34 year old is a British Formula One driver. His hometown is still undecided, however I am thinking he did leave England for a year or so in order to race in America. Chris is the the epitome of the unruly, playboy driver, with a touch of English eccentricity. Chris is always associated with a succession of beautiful women, and can normally be found inside a nightclub, or a pub. He likes to drink, and been known to use cocaine and marijuana during the off season. He does have a bad temper, and doesn't mind using his fists to make his point, But with all of his faults he is really a good fun loving guy.

At this point I don't have much set in stone, so I am able to work him into most story lines I would love for him to find a woman who tens to keep him on his toes. The two of them like to make each other jealous, drive one another crazy, and push each other to their limits. They don't know rather to love each other, hate each other, or just walk away from each other. I'm also looking for friends, and even family.

[21 11 @ 6p]

Just placed a hold on Anna Paquin so anyone need her for anything while a massive revamp happens? Only details set are she's working her way through art school as a crew member for the BBC (currently leaning towards putting her in Sherlock's wardrobe department).

[18 11 @ 9p]


Some of you may remember me from before but for those who don't I'll give you the run down.

This is Brady, she's a hyperactive tomboy American implant from Seattle who moved to London to be with her then girlfriend (now wife, who you've already met) After some struggles, she was discovered at a 90s grunge show and is currently writing and recording an album with an as of yet unnamed all girl band and is expecting a baby with her wife Ryley.

Any and all lines are welcomed! She is a music buff with an insane love for comic books and super heroes, to the extent of having an entire room in her house dedicated to comic books, action figures as well as countless other nerdtastic things. She also writes more than just songs, she's has a work in progress novel that has been put on hold lately for her music and impending momdom.

Who wants what? Don't all crowd in at once :P

[18 11 @ 7p]

Hi! It's me again with Ryley!

For those of you that don't know her, she's an American who came to London to photography intern for ElleUK. When her internship was up, she decided to stay in London and she began freelancing full time, something she was doing on the side to make some extra cash. In total, she's been in London eight months or so. She's married as of six months ago to the darling Brady ( who you'll see her later :) ) and they're expecting a baby together. They're actually expecting twins but they don't know that yet.

I look forward to plotting with all of you!

[06 10 @ 11p]

hi all! i was previously involved in this game (or the one prior that shut down?), but i had to split due to bad timing. but i thought since i have more time on my hands now - not really, but i'm going to make it work! - that i would really like to pick eleanor back up. she's still doing this "eat, pray, love" thing (working as a yoga/spin instructor) and writing a ton. she's still in a funny place emotionally, but i'd love to work out her kinks and expand her social network in the process. there's nothing better than a friend to guide you through the darkness. so, if i can provide anyone some sort of line or whatnot please let me know. i love, love threads. i can typically squeeze a couple of responses out every day (m/t/w are my hardest days between grad school + work), but i'm fan of over communicating. so, i will always let you know what's up.

so, pending my acceptance i'd love to chat with all of you! happy monday. (:

[06 10 @ 11a]

Ok so the bio and facts I had written up have been deleted! So I won't make adds tonight so cheer me up with lines. Dylan is going to be a late 30's director. His mother was a actress. Not a huge movie star, she had a role in a sitcom and a few movies. His British family had nothing to do with him until his mother died and they thought he was going to inherit a lot of money. Which he didn't really. He came to live in London when he was eleven. Fake a accent to keep from being pick on, and was mainly a drama nerd, he was out going and dated a lot. He attend college then left for Hollywood and had a career making movies, think Christopher Nolan.

He moved back to London met back up with Olivia, who he known in college , things got heated she became pregnant and he ran off. But he is back now. Sorry if this new way of playing Dylan is upsetting to anyone, but I wanted to make him a fun loving creative person. I am keeping his brother and cousin lines in tact. Other then that he is pretty open to anything.

[03 10 @ 9a]

Hello everyone. I am going to be taking on the role of Dylan Branson for [info]livcar . I understand that he was played before and had some family and close friends and exes in game ? If you guys are still around I wouldn't mind talking to you and figuring out a way to keep those connections. I am going to switch up his personality and job, and add my own twist to Dylan. However I want to make sure that I don't throw any of his family connections into chaos. I am making him a socially aware photo journalist. He will dabble in fashion and glam photography. He is charming, intelligent, has a gusto for life, and loves traveling, and going on adventures. Just let me know if you had a past connection you want to keep, otherwise I am just going to roll with him.

[10 09 @ 8p]

Hey guys!

Sorry for falling off the face of the Earth. Real life decided to kick me straight in the ass. That being said, I'd love to get Zee here further out and around to interact with folks. I'll be hitting up posts and whatnot, but figured I'd redo a lines plea.

This is Zee, recent ex-pat via her Irish citizenship (through her mother). She had a bit of a professional/personal meltdown back in NYC and decided to get the eff out of dodge. She's currently crashing with an old friend, trying to corrupt her cousin, and generally acting like an overgrown college student. Would love to figure stuff out with any and everyone!

[10 09 @ 2a]

Any interest in Rose Leslie while I start on her facts?

The only details set for the moment are she's in art school (photography) and just returned to the UK after spending undergrad in the US. She might also be working for the BBC or ITV but behind the scenes as a crew member (debating between Sherlock and Doctor Who along with Endeavour if she goes in that direction).

[08 09 @ 10p]

Hi guys! Now I've stopped procrastinating and got this dude all finished up and applied, I'd like to introduce you to Josh Cartwright! He says hi. I've placed him in Westminster purely for my own lazy convenience because it's an area I know well, he works at the National Gallery as a manager and occasional guide. He was married for about 14 years but got divorced three years ago and he has a son. He's just starting to date [info]nalexander and is hoping [info]calba will stop hating him at some point so they can be friends. So yeah, throw stuff at me guys, please!

[07 09 @ 9p]

Good tidings! Assuming I'm accepted, I'm bringing in this Zooey Deschanel PB. Meet Nora Alexander, adoptive mum to [info]calba, friend of [info]fischar, and girlfriend to [info]jcartwright. She's an artist and spends most days selling her original paintings in Convent Garden. Up until about six months ago, she was a full time foster mother, and [info]calba was her first and the only one she fully adopted. She's only now starting to venture into the world of being an adult and spending time with other adults, so I'd love some friends for her or maybe people she knows from the market? Perhaps people who she may have been commissioned to paint for? Her primary focus is on scenery but she could handle other things as well. Also, I'd love to put a line out there for potential former fosters, so they'd be kids anywhere now from 16 - 24-ish?

Looking forward to writing with everyone!

[05 09 @ 9p]

Would anyone have a need for Logan Lerman if I were to bring him in? Brother? Son? Whatever? I'm up for anything!

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