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London Mates

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[06 Dec 2013|11:06am]

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Contact, Plotting, Questions post! [03 Dec 2013|12:43am]

I think this will be a place for group roleplay posts if we so choose, or for our characters just to be random. Mostly, I wanted a place for us to belong to! Feel free to get started once you've got your character down and finished with their journals. Also, I'm not married to this theme, so we can change that. I can make everyone a moderator if you'd like, since this is a GPSL and I don't really feel like the mod. Please feel free to leave suggestions and comments here - for now, this will serve as a contact post! Hope you guys don't mind the name - everything good was taken, grr! If you think we should create another asylum, or you want to create one for the group, go for it. With school and work, my schedule varies, but I will definitely be checking back when I can. Excited!
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