Icons by Lolo

Friends' Entries

You are viewing the most recent 25 entries.

16th September 2024

seethesoldiers @ 7:37pm: ANTHONY HEAD ( 96 • PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS )


15th September 2024

carrahmay @ 3:56pm: Heyyyy wanna write with me again? I've got Charles Rowland and Genya Safin over at [info]chickenlegs. If you like magic and folk tales and writing, then come play with meeee. And other cool people.

Charles would love to see Niko or Jenny, and I guess Cat King or Monty would be okay. ;)

Genya would love to have any other Grisha or friends around!

I'm still waffling on my third, but yeah! The game doesn't officially open until October, but we're doing a soft launch and holds for friends and friends of friends are open!

ONCE UPON A TIME there was a famous witch with a famous house who inspired such terror and awe that her story was known across time and space. Then the witch disappeared and her house, called Chicken Legs, decided it should find itself a new caretaker.

CHICKEN LEGS is a universe hopping panfandom game based on fairytale logic and folk horror.

salazars @ 10:17am: ~shadygrove cast 🌙
Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.  )

14th September 2024

ash_cdj @ 10:14am: OCs New
new ladies )

12th September 2024

invincible @ 9:00pm: application [info]projectvoidmods
Fandom: Heroes
Character: Claire Bennet
Canon/AU/PGH/Original: Canon
Played by: Hayden Panettiere
Player Name: Amber
Link to contact post: HERE
Gif for the cast: (Optional) HERE

10th September 2024

poisonenvy @ 9:00pm: Whelp, I'm officially one week into class and I think I've got a measure now of what to expect from time things that aren't taking five classes and working full time and the results are... Not great. I'm enjoying my semester so far! My goal is to knock out as many assignments as I can in these first couple of weeks so I don't have to worry about them at the end of the semester, so hopefully that goes well. 🤞🤞🤞 But it feels like pretty much all my time so far had been spent keeping on top of my assignments and my readings, so we'll see if that can keep up for a while semester (or a whole year. I'm currently enrolled in five classes next semester too. We'll see how this one goes).

Anyway, I'm going to try to keep up with the games I'm in right now, but we'll see if that lasts.

"But Envy," you might ask (no one's asking I know 😂), "what classes are you taking?"

Well let me tell you!

Cut because I'm sure that not everyone wants to hear about my classes but here they are if you do! )

Anyway. I'm sorry if I'm scarce, especially for the next few weeks while I get my feet under me. I swear I WILL try to keep up with fun pretendy times too.

("Why are you taking a full course load, Envy?" You might also be asking. Well, the sooner I can graduate, the sooner I can start applying to grad schools in Halifax for a Masters in Library Sciences and move to Halifax! Hopefully)
maxicons @ 2:22pm: Leah Pipes - 507


Playing her again, decided to make some icons
Caps by screencapped

507 )

8th September 2024

omfg @ 10:43am: Interested in ~pickles. I sent a pw request, please hit me up if you're seeing this! <3

7th September 2024

mightydrea @ 10:01am: TW: Pet loss. )

I'll be back in RP probably after the weekend, thanks everyone for being understanding. 💜💜💜

6th September 2024

swansong @ 11:13pm: Daisy Edgar-Jones (384 icons)

CAPS FROM [info]capseroo

+++ )
rosohna @ 11:36am: First, I want to say thank you to everyone who commented on my previous post or reached out elsewhere. I wanted to go back and comment back, but I've just been [insert melty emoji here] and get very emotional when I read them back so I just never did. But I appreciate the kind words and have genuinely went back and reread them in the last several days when I need a boost and I'm so thankful. <3

Second, a meme! Ty to [info]kuduk for posting, because FUN.

Take any of my characters and then pick a question or few and I'll answer:

1. Is your character good at working with their hands? If so, are they better at practical and crafting-type pursuits (carpentry, knitting/sewing, smithing, car repairs, etc.) or fine arts like drawing and painting?
2. Has your character ever been to a beach? If so, did they enjoy it? Why or why not?
3. There’s a spider, cockroach, silverfish, or some other nasty bug in your character’s house/room/apartment/etc.! How do they deal with it? Do they squish it? Capture it to release it outside? Scream and run for the hills?
4. How would your character react to the death of a family member, close friend, or other loved one? Is this something they’ve experienced in the past or not?
5. Does your character know how to swim? If not, have they ever been in a situation where they wished they had?
6. How quickly does your character generally pick up new skills or knowledge? Are they better at learning “book knowledge” or hands-on skills?
7. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Can they fall asleep anywhere, or do they need perfect silence and darkness? Do they tend to stay up late or get to bed early? Would they be comfortable sharing a bed with someone they don’t know very well?
8. Does your character have any seemingly irrational fears or phobias? If so, was it caused by a specific incident in their past?
9. Describe your character’s dream house. Where would it be located? What unique things would be inside it?
10. If your character was greatly outnumbered in a fight, would they stand their ground or run away? Does their mindset in this matter ever get them in trouble?
11. Describe what the first five pictures in your character’s Instagram would be.

3rd September 2024

sassylime @ 9:53pm: psst [info]permutatio needs Hufflepuffs and exchange students

I've submitted Pansy's daughter at [info]noia, am working on [info]harvester and once she's done I will turn my attention to [info]louielouis, that gangly nerd
swansong @ 11:07pm: Elizabeth Lail (499 icons)

CAPS FROM elizabethlailbrasil.com

+++ )
swansong @ 11:05pm: Elizabeth Lail (581 icons)

CAPS FROM elizabethlailbrasil.com

+++ )

2nd September 2024

vertigo @ 11:45pm: matthew daddario, into the deep

matthew daddario // into the deep )
vertigo @ 9:09pm: elizabeth lail, mack & rita

elizabeth lail // mack & rita )
maxicons @ 6:25pm: Violett Beane - 163

Violett Beane

I really miss God Friended Me.

163 )
maxicons @ 6:18pm: Travis Van Winkle - 617

Travis Van Winkle

Caps by screencapped

617 )
maxicons @ 6:18pm: Travis Van Winkle - 500

Travis Van Winkle

Caps by screencapped

500 )
maxicons @ 6:00pm: monica barbaro - 514

monica barbaro

Caps by screencapped

514 )
maxicons @ 5:59pm: monica barbaro - 500

monica barbaro

Caps by screencapped

500 )
maxicons @ 5:59pm: monica barbaro - 500

monica barbaro

Caps by screencapped

500 )
maxicons @ 5:59pm: monica barbaro - 499

monica barbaro

Caps by screencapped

499 )
maxicons @ 5:58pm: monica barbaro - 500

monica barbaro

Caps by screencapped

500 )
maxicons @ 5:58pm: monica barbaro - 498

monica barbaro

Caps by screencapped

498 )
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