Lockhart Academy LINES' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Lockhart Academy LINES

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[07 Sep 2013|02:52am]
Hi, there! I'm planning on bringing in two characters. The first is Charlotte Issac (this journal). She's a hard-working student, demands perfection from her self and the people around her. She's a sweet, happy-go-lucky girl, totally in love with the idea of love, and as such, she's fallen head-over-heels for many different people. Lotte is definitely a people-person, emotionally-driven, prone to mood-swings and very compassionate. She's an overachiever, and hoping to snag the title of valedictorian come graduation. The main connection I wanted for her was an ex-girlfriend. Lotte is a hopeless romantic, so she's always falling hard, often for the wrong person. Maybe a bad girl that dragged her heart around and sent her in crazy/clingy mode? We can brainstorm details. Other than that, I'd love to find her friends, past relationships? Maybe a rival?

I also have Aiden Bradley([info]aidley). She's a cheerleader and dancer, but despite being somewhat popular, Aiden is a bit of a loner. She's currently reeling from the deterioration of her family. Her father cheated on her mother and married his mistress. She now has a step-mother and step-sister(which I'd love to see in game, I think my line disappeared on me). Aiden is self-involved in that way where she can't see past her own first-world problems. A bit immature, she's prone breaking the rules, and skipping as much class as she can before getting kicked off the team. I'm open for any and all connections as far as she goes--maybe past hookups(she doesn't do relationships)?
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