Lockewood: OOC Community - April 10th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Lockewood: OOC Community

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April 10th, 2012

[Apr. 10th, 2012|03:33 pm]
Hi there, muffins! It's Soph here, (I play Theo, Narcissa, Molly and Alicia) and I'm bringing my fifth and final character Ted Tonks!!!

His pastimes include trolling the Blacks by shagging Andy in various rooms of their house and living to tell the tale, being a doting dad to his (in his time) five year old daughter Nympha Dora, nursing sick puppies, kittens, and various other animals to health and being a Peter Parker type researcher for the Daily Prophet. He only really knows Rita by being that 'weird witch who starts all those watercoolery conversations, but do wizards have watercoolers?' Verbatim, really. He's very quirky, too. And extremely linguistic, even if he is a little bit dim. But he's prepared to make people happy and is very easy to make friends with!

He's working as a Mediwizard, and is living with Rowena Ravenclaw. I'm putting up a journal post soonly, so come over and say hayyyy!
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