Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Sunday, October 19th, 2008

    Time Event
    Last week's LJ post and this week's prompt
    I apologize for my sporadic flakiness. Clearly, this semester is eating holes in my brain and I need a portable prosthetic memory like Simon's!

    We had one post on our LJ comm last week:

    Title: Justice
    Author: [info]philomytha
    Word Count: 250
    Rating: G, Gen
    Prompt: mothers
    Summary: Harra decides to act

    This week's prompt is laughter. Go anywhere you like with it, from something funny and fluffy to someone laughing because otherwise they'll scream.

    Fics of all length and art of any type is welcome, and past prompts are always available if you're looking for further inspiration.

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