Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Sunday, April 13th, 2008

    Time Event
    Last week's LJ posts and this week's prompt
    We had one fic posted to our LJ comm and one prompt-inspired fic posted to the Bujold_fic comm on LJ this week:

    Title: Snowbound Boy
    Author: [info]quietann
    Rating/Warnings: PG, read between the lines
    Characters: Gregor (Vorkosigan saga)
    Prompt: snowstorm

    Title: Bothari
    Author: [info]digiella
    Character: Miles Vorkosigan
    Rating: None
    Prompt: hearts

    This week's prompt is a poem suggested by [info]wombathouse:

    For A Woman Who Doubted the Power of Love

    Didn't I say the sun would cross the sky
    Like a burning stone
    And, like a burnt stone, fall in the evening
    To light the pathway
    Of the huge red stone of the moon rising
    For our eyes only?
    Didn't I say the moon would fade and leave us
    Pale as our faces
    Here at the end of night as we lie together
    Under the drifting snow?
    Didn't I say all snow would turn to water,
    Each drop a flower,
    That the sun would rise as molten as always
    In time with birdsong
    By the light of our moving arms in the morning?
    My love, listen and learn
    Once more how I did all this by the power
    Of your heart and my heart.
    How could the sky and these falling star-lit leaves
    Catch fire without us?

    --David Wagoner

    Fics of all length are welcome, as are art and icons. And if you don't find this prompt inspirational, past prompts are always available for inspiration as well.

    Happy creating!

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