Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Monday, March 17th, 2008

    Time Event
    Last week's LJ post and this week's prompt
    We had one fic posted last week to the LJ [info]lmb_challenge.

    Title: Last Hope
    Author: [info]philomytha
    Rating/Warnings: suitable for all
    Characters: Alys & Simon (Vorkosigan fandom)
    Prompt: changing times

    This week's prompt is "parade." Could be a military parade in Vorbarr Sultana, a Daughter's Day procession, or, really, anything you can think up for either of these worlds or the Sharing Knife-verse. Fics of all length are welcome, as are art and icons. And if you don't find this prompt inspirational, past prompts are always available for use as well. Come play if you're so inclined!

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