Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Sunday, February 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Last week's post, this month's theme, and this week's prompt
    We had one taker for the "mud" prompt over on LJ last week:

    Title: Untitled Drabble
    Author: wombathouse
    Rating: G
    Characters/Pairing: Miles/Ekaterin

    The theme that was suggested for this month is VorValentines. But since I'm hoping at some point we'll see some Chalion and Sharing Knife offerings also, I'll broaden that to Romance.

    This week's prompt, then, is "hearts." Use it metaphorically, romantically, or, if that's how the inspiration strikes, medically.

    Past prompts are always still available for use and can be found here.

    If you're new to IJ or just new to posting to communities, here is the IJ FAQ on how to do it. You do need to be a member to post, which I probably should have clarified earlier. I chose that setting so that we'd be less likely to get hit by spammers.

    Also, I imagine romance may lend itself to the occasional steamy bit of writing. That's absolutely fine! Just please do place it under a cut.

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