Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Sunday, January 6th, 2008

    Time Event
    Prompt #2 - air
    And our first Sunday prompt is "air." It could be a storm in the air, a ship running low on oxygen, or a metaphorical "breath of fresh air." Let your imagination run wild!

    For our first, short week, we had two fic responses on LJ:

    Title: Stars
    Author: [info]spiralsheep
    Fandom: Vorkosiverse
    Character: Ivan Vorpatril
    Rating: all ages
    Prompt: stars
    Word count: 110


    Title: Night Watch
    Author: [info]firefly124 (aka the silly mod who forgot to x-post her own fic to IJ *hangs head*)
    Fandom: Vorkosigan
    Character: Roic
    Rating: G
    Prompt: stars
    Words: 100

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