Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Monday, December 31st, 2007

    Time Event
    Prompt Suggestions
    So far, the polls are leaning towards monthly themes and no contests/teams/whatever, and it's an even split on single prompts versus prompts for each fandom. (On LJ, the trend is towards single, cross-fandom prompts.) It's only been a day, so that could shift, but for now, I thought we could start collecting some prompt suggestions. If it stays an even split over here and single prompt favored on LJ, I'll go the single prompt route. If it ends up that there's a substantial preference over here for separate prompts for each fandom, then the two comms will end up with different prompts for the week. In the meanwhile, I'm going to look at broad, cross-fandom prompts. We can always get more specific later.

    Prompts that will work across all three fandoms are going to be necessarily broad. Things like single words, phrases, and non-specific situations will probably work best. Here are a few off the top of my head. Please comment with more suggestions! When we have a few, I'll try to group some into a theme for January.

    seeking parental approval
    change in allegiance
    not what it looks like
    caught in the act

    Oh, and here's another question for you. I think Sunday as a "new prompt, weekly wrap-up" point will work best, given my schedule. But do you guys want to wait for this coming Sunday to get the first prompt, or do you want one for tomorrow, and just have the first week be a short week?

    Current Mood: excited

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