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Friday, November 30th, 2007

    Time Event
    My toes are safe!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]beautifulgreen)

    I have some very good news! Helga-san says that my toes are not going to fall off after all! I do not have frost bite! Apparently there was some black nail polish left on my little toe from my gangster costume the other week. That was definitely a huge relief to me! She said I did have hypothermia, though, so Stephen Colbert-san was correct about that. I am not allowed to practice in the snow anymore unless I somehow get clothes and shoes that are suited for this kind of weather. This presents something of a challenge because I do not have any money to buy snow clothes, but I cannot simply stop training either. I will have to think this over carefully.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cryptic_chef) Since no one on my team really seemed to be doing much, I decided to get started by collecting wood, pots, charcoal (if possible), and other such supplies. This challenge doesn't seem as bad as people are making it out to be.  I don't know what you all are talking about, but it's not that cold.  I was out in the forest and at the trading center for about half the day, yet I'm not wet, and it feels like I only need a light spring jacket on.  Then again, a lot of strange, yet very good things have been happening recently.

    1.  Dubloons just show up in front of me.

    2.  With said dubloons I managed to purchase a lighter, some matches, two blankets, a small bag of charcoal, and some other materials.

    3. I now have four voodoo dolls made.

    4.  I put up a 3-meter barrier around our cabin so no one other than our cabin mates could get in. This should prevent anyone from stealing or wrecking our stuff.   But that's not the shocking part.  The shocking part is that nothing (as far as I can tell) has been altered or damaged.  This is the first...maybe second time I've had a successful charm while on this island, so I'm pretty sure this barrier will last.  For how long, I don't know, but it should work.

    5.  I seem to have Jun-like strength.  The pots and pans I went to collect from the kitchen that Stephen said were so heavy felt like they weighed nothing more than two or three cook books.   If this is what it feels like to be Jun, then I wouldn't mind looking slightly girly.  (No offense, Jun.)

    6.  Lastly, and this is the oddest of all, it feels like I've fallen into a fairy tale.  I was out in the woods collecting wood (apparently wood is overly abundant in this forest, and despite all the snow, it was decently dry), and some animals came within 20 meters of me.  They just sort of stopped and stared.  The deer looked at me curiously, then left after a minute.  A lion actually came over as well, as did other small creatures like squirrels and monkeys.  This didn't actually seem to bother Suke, who had tagged along; in fact, he and the animals seemed to get along.  By the time I had collected enough wood, I had a whole team of about six animals helping me!  And it looked like Sukekiyo was their leader!  The lion had larger pieces of wood in his mouth that he set down at my feet, and my ever-faithful crows had stones in their mouths, while a few monkeys brought me shiny objects.   So, I now have a compass that has a crack in the glass, a thimble, what looks like a crystal ball, some necklaces and rings, and silver tins that I can use for baking.   Because the animals were so gracious, of course I accepted the items.  

    7.  Oh, and I have sweets: candy bars, cupcakes, and some things called Choco-Balls or something.

    Plus, on top of all that... I've come up with a new dish.

    This rabbit's foot is staying with me for a while; it's nice.  Now all I need is Toku's plant...

    Current Mood: accomplished

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