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Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

    Time Event
    Game plan
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kaname_chidori)

    OK, residents of Dogwood! I'm sure by now you've all noticed that the power's out. On top of that, for some reason the climate has become less than tropical. I'm not really sure what the Island wants us to do . . . since it sure hasn't told us a heck of a lot, but I think we should put together some kind of game plan anyway! Since no one else seems to have come up with anything too useful, I took the liberty of putting together a few simp

    EDIT: *Ahem*

    A few simple ideas:

    1) A few of us should go around to the empty cabins and gather as many blankets and things as we can.

    2) Someone go to the kitchen and gather the biggest pots they can find. If you can find one big enoug

    EDIT 2:

    big enough to fit a person, even better. I'll explain later.

    3) Two or three of us (I'm thinking Gon would be good on this one) go and gather pieces of wood. Get as much as you can carry and make sure it's dry.

    4) Everyone gather as many stones as you can find. Smooth ones about the size of your hand are probably best, but see what you can find.

    When all that's done, we'll meet back up in the cabin and I'll exp

    Edit 3:

    I'll explain everything in more detail. Sound good?

    OK! Let's get going!

    Current Mood: cold but determined
    A setback in my training
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]beautifulgreen)

    Gai-senesi, I think I have finally found something I do not like about my jumpsuit. It is not very good in snowy weather.

    I was practicing in the training grounds like I do every day, but after thirty minutes the snow had soaked completely through my clothes. However, I could not allow something like being cold prevent me from progressing as a ninja! I kept training for another two hours before I could not continue. Now I think I may have developed a cold. My toes are freezing and have turned slightly blue, also.

    When I returned to my cabin, I had to take off my jumpsuit and hang it next to my bed. It does not seem to be drying very quickly. I will have to stay here, wrapped in my blanket until it does. Then I think I might need to go to the infirmary. My little toe appears to be turning black.

    Current Mood: very cold

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