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Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

    Time Event
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]duck_princess)

    Ah heh... Um... So I haven't been around because um... I was chasing after my pet duck because she got lost! Or something like that... Hmmm...

    There are a lot less animals now then there was when I got here so I didn't have to worry about that, hahahaha... Ha...

    Um... Does anyone know what a gangster is?
    Colbert Report, November 3, 2007
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]stephenjrsdad)

    My hand is back on my wrist. Everyone can relax, there was no permanent damage. I know you were all terribly concerned about my well being, just beside yourselves, but I assure you the top medical staff at this Island is remarkably adept.

    I know! I was surprised as well! I brought my hand after the incident in the cabin and when I woke up the next morning it was back on and no longer green. On top of that they removed the ghastly tattoo as well. I really don't know where they hide all their top of the line medical equipment but it must be here somewhere. Now if I could just understand why the Island thinks my new home is a cave.

    Surely it must be a joke. And there are sounds at night. And you have to sleep on the ground in ... sleeping bags. If anyone knows where I can reach this Island and lodge a complaint? Yes, please share. Thank you in advance.

    Current Mood: impressed

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