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Sunday, July 15th, 2007

    Time Event
    Digging around in the kitchen
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kaname_chidori)

    Misao's talk about eating deer gross got me thinking, so I headed over to the galley. The place was a mess! Stuff was thrown all over the place and I actually found a live fish swimming around in one of the larger pots. Took over an hour to get it cleaned up enough to work in. Sheesh! Anyway, it's been quite a while since we had a decent meal. Fortunately, it looks like fresh food just came in last night or the night before, and I think I can pull together something worthwhile without too much trouble.

    The point:
    Dinner will be ready at 8pm. Put in any last minute request ASAP and I'll see what I can do!

    Current Mood: energetic
    Status on apprehending Mr. Smith
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sousuke)

    I managed to lock down Mr. Smith in a small barrel with some sticks and a curtain. He called it a ship, but eventually downgraded the object to a tiny boat. Apparently Mr. Smith is not mentally stable since it is, in fact, a barrel with sticks and a curtain. After getting into a lengthy discussion on what constitutes as a ship, I proceeded to swim after Mr. Smith. He proceeded to paddle furiously with some giant seashells in his hands.

    There was no other choice but to sink his 'boat'. At 10:37 hours today, I dove underneath the barrel and screwed a hole at the bottom with my tactical knife to disable his flotation device. Upon which he proceeds to swim and squirm away from my grasp. The sharks were also a bit of a safety concern, bit a shot of boron-enhanced flouronitromino explosives I had recently received in a tiny sample pack in the mouth of a giant tree vine plant proved to be very useful in stunning several of them.

    By the time that was completed, target Mr. Smith had run off in a fairly feminine manner that I think would be aptly described as “drunken flouncing.”

    I’m currently tracking him back on the island and should be able to apprehend him soon.

    Current Mood: determined
    It's alive!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]misao_makimachi) YAY!!!!

    FINALLY! My laptop is working properly!!! I'm surprised it's okay if you ignore the bite marks and the dents that is after all the bashings the deers gave it. Took a while for me to get it to work though... I better get it to the trading post before it stops working again. Those darn monkeys! I swear if I see those stupid things again I'm going to go crazy!

    By the way, has anyone tried eating a deer? I've never had one before...

    Ahhh... there's goes my belly, rumbling again...

    Current Mood: Tired and hungry

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