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Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

    Time Event
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]johnathan_smith)

    Ah, that was one good week. How is your head Fujahita?

    As for this one, where are you Misao? I don't know how long I can keep this thing laughing. It's not so bad really, dangle something shiny in front of its face and it will keep pretty quiet. At least it's got it's head on straight then.

    Something tells me you're meant to feed it or something though. On that one, all yours love.

    Current Mood: content
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kimono_over)

    Island-san has been kind enough to give Haruhi-san and I a baby boy to take care of. I've named the baby Taro, after my great-great-grandfather. Taro-chan seems to like this name and he is a very agreeable child. I don't see why Haruhi-san is having trouble with him.

    Perhaps Haruhi-san hasn't had much baby-care experience. I guess most boys don't these days.
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kuniko_murakami)

    Hiro is such a well-behaved young one, or at least in comparison to my cousins. He slept soundly all night and plays contentedly by himself or with others namely me because Killua will hardly have anything to do with him.

    I had to run down to the Trading Post and stock up on supplies. However, since most of the others here seem to have gotten there before I, I had to make do with what little they had. It should last about two days at best. The shopkeeper told me he was waiting for more supplies, so I guess I'll have to make this last a while.

    I've decided to take Hiro out for a walk every afternoon. He smiles and laughs at the leaves blowing in the trees or the sound of the river flowing. It's really cute! I'm making sure to keep an eye out for all things that could be considered remotely dangerous And I will not let him go within feet of the river. No soul-stealing piranhas will get this cutie!

    I do think that Killua needs to play and/or take care of Hiro a bit more. Hear that Killua? You're taking care of him tomorrow! And no dumping him on me, either!
    Bunny Riniko!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hunny_bun)

    Neee, Riniko is such a good baby! She loves her Otou-chan and Okaa-chan!! Usa-chan is a good niisan, too! We all love to snuggle, and Riniko-chan loves to coo and sing with us. I gave Mitsu-chan a break and I took our little girl to the store, and guess what I found! HEEE!! SHE'S SO KAWAII!! OUR LITTLE BUNNY IS A LITTLE BUNNY!!

    I'm going to protect her from the EVIL monkeys so we can go for a walk! Ne, ne, anyone want to join us?

    Current Mood: happy
    Cabin Surprise
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]toyama_yukinojo)

    Well, uhm, I've decided to call the baby we're to take care of Li because Aisha-chan wasn't much help, Callagi-chan doesn't seem to have any say, and it's simple and easy to remember. Cute, isn't it?

    So, Li-kun is doing good... except for the pooping. He seems to do that a lot, even for a robot baby. And he cries a lot. It hurts my ears. But the creaking of the floorboards seem to soothe him, though it scares the hell out of me. I feel as though I might fall through. Scary thought, no? And then every once and a while there's this moaning noise... I think Li-kun might be responsible for it, though he's very quiet (talking wise).

    And it's very bright in this cabin. It's actually kind of nice except the sun keeps glaring on the screen and these silver ladles floating nearby and shining in my... eyes?.......


    Current Mood: nervous-ly scared
    A baby?!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]misao_makimachi)

    Don't ask where the hell was I in the last game... stupid armour... stupid trading post! I don't wanna talk about it. I'm just grateful that I don't have to work in the stupid trading post anymore.  

    I found something very interesting near my bed last Wednesday.... NEW KUNAIS! I tried to use them, but I couldn't cause they were too heavy to picked them up. So I just left them there. And then yesterday I was able to picked them up!! Is it just me? Or am I getting stronger or something? I swear those things weighed like 6 barrels of rice before!

    I guess I shouldn't question the impossible around here and just let it go for now and just keep what I now have... Yeap, yeap. I'm just gonna let it go... And speaking about letting it go. I had a little test on them a few hours ago and WOW! They just appeared back where it came from! In it's cool carry case! This is like the ultimate weapons of kunais!!

    Now if only Japan in my time had these babies around... That'll be cool.

    Anyway I guess I should start heading back to the cabin... Can't believe I'm with Jack not to mention those twins... ARGH!!! WHY DO I ALWAYS GET TEAMED UP WITH THE BAD ONES?!!

    At least Rika's in the same cabin with me. At least there's someone that I know that's not bad.. Unlike some people


    Current Mood: disappointed

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