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[Mar. 15th, 2011|02:18 pm]

Hi there! I'm Lee, and Janice is my first character here. I'm not used to this format of RP - I say that like a warning but hopefully it won't be that noticeable. *kanyeshrug*

I do look forward to have a gang of characters at some point. I've got plenty of ideas kicking around in the ol' brainbox.

I'm terrible at introducing myself and I feel I've already said all I need to. Um... oh I can't take credit for Janice's screenname. I was brainstorming and Beth suggested it. It's totally sassy and you'd never hear Janice say it but it's adorable, so thank you, Beth.

I am excited to throw Janice in the mix. If you do not want to read that novel of a profile I can give you bullet points if you'd like. I'll do history and then personality.
i. Janice is a twenty-six year old Captain's Yeoman.
ii. She has two younger brothers, Benjamin and Sirri that she helped take care of as a teenager.
iii. She joined Starfleet when she was nineteen. Took basic training for six months before going aboard the USS Archon.
iv. After staying on the USS Archon for about two years, Janice went back to the academy to become a Captain's Yeoman.
v. She then served under Christopher Pike.
vi. When Pike became Admiral, Janice was passed on to Captain Kirk.

i. Janice's biggest flaw is that she puts everyone ahead of herself. She isn't a doormat but rather a worrier. Everyone needs to eat before she does - if that makes sense.
ii. She is a professional and finishes everything she starts.
iii. She hates the lifts - especially if there are others aboard. She does not like enclosed spaces.
iv. She cannot pull of a crude joke but she will giggle until she cannot breathe upon hearing a good 'terrible' joke.
v. Janice manages or at least tries to see the beauty in most people.
vi. You'll never want for any sort of cinnamon candy or breath mint while you're friends with Janice. She pops them frequently.

 Naturally that isn't everything about Janice, but it's my go at mini introduction. If you have any specific questions about her you'd like to ask, please do! I am up for all sorts of threads and I absolutely love plotting.
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I'll take you home again Kathleen... [Mar. 14th, 2011|07:07 am]
[Feels Like | bouncy]

I'm sorry, but there will no ice cream for YOU tonight! )
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[Mar. 12th, 2011|12:10 am]

Hey everybody, this is Kelly bringing in her second character. So this is Elliot Gilden (who had one appearance -- in a book, and he didn't even get a first name). So. I've made up a first name! I've made up a whole history / family / ect. Yay for creative license :D. So Elliot is the assistant historian on the ship - he likes history, photography, and darts.

Background wise Elliot was born on Colony Alpha V, but has lived on Earth since he was ten. He was raised in Dublin, Ireland and considers that his "home". He has a degree in the history of science and technology, and ended up at the Academy / in Starfleet because he followed a girl there. Things didn't work out with the girl, but hey Elliot got a job on a starship! Score! He was posted to the Newton but after it got destroyed, he got transferred to the Enterprise.

He's kind of quiet, but he's always listening, and taking mental notes about things. If your character lends him something fair warning: they might not get it back for eons (if ever), as he's not really good at the returning things thing. However if you need to check a historical fact? He is your man!

(And he has no mustache, I just deemed this one of my 'OOC' icons. And it is past 12' AM my time, so I am likely forgetting something in this intro ... but yes.)
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[Mar. 11th, 2011|02:25 pm]

Hi everyone! I'm Lindsay, and I'm totally new to the game! I found the game in an ad comm and I'm totally excited to join the ranks - sorry, bad joke? Anyway! I've been RPing for close to ten years and have done a lot of Harry Potter RPGs in my time and eventually ventured out to Doctor Who and more recently into Marvel Comics. I'm really excited for this new venture!

So, this is Gabrielle Carlotti, but she only goes by Gabrielle in formal situations. She's Gabby to everyone, always has been. Gabby is the Relief Head Nurse, working the Beta shift in sickbay. She grew up outside of Chicago and spent her childhood and her adolescense as a gymnast until she was injured when she was seventeen. In college she studied biology and kinesiology before declaring her concentration in Nursing. After college she enlisted in Starfleet where she studied exobiology and nursing. She speaks Vulcan and has studied Vulcan culture since she was a young teenager. I'm still working out some of the details on her history (dates, jobs, etc.), so I'll post those details once I hash them out over the weekend! Anyone with suggestions or ideas, I'm more then open to chatting! Gabby is friendly and cheerful, very approachable and willing to help. She doesn't take any nonsense from her patients and treats them with respect but won't coddle them. She understands that there's never a dull moment during the night shift!

Personally, I'm a preschool teacher so I work days and no weekends! Yay! So I'm online in the evenings and basically abuse the internet and AIM. It's a sickness, really! The easiest way to reach me is through AIM (Biz4Bubbles) but I can create a drop box, too! I'm still learning my way around the game, so guides and buddies are welcomed and encouraged!
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[Feb. 28th, 2011|01:30 pm]

WHAT IS UP LADIES? I Ally bring you the suave security man himself Ensign Ethan Mathews who will surely enrich your time in space by romancing your ladies and concocting money making schemes. (When he's off duty of course!) Actually he takes his job kind of seriously, he's a cutie. *pinches his cheeks*

He is open for any and all plots (might even squeeze him into a couple of away missions :D) and will most likely be up to general mischief.
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[Feb. 14th, 2011|04:00 pm]

[Feels Like | bouncy]

Hello everyone! I'm Kym and I'm a WoW alt-aholic.... (Oh wait, wrong confession... )

I'm new and I'm playing Scotty! :) (There, much better!)

Silliness aside, hello there! My intro is a bit late, it was a lonnng work week. Or it just felt that way. Anyways, I'm bringing one Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer to the game and I'm looking forward to RPing with you all. Feel free to comment here or in my drop box if you want plot/ideass or whatnot. You can also reach me on IM on adozenpapercuts or by email at posy.wench (at)

As for myself, I'm (almost) 35, I work as a police dispatcher, and I work graveyard shift, so my hours are... really odd. I'm usually around for a few hours early mornings on the days I work, and late nights on my nights off. My other main hobbies are World of Warcraft (I raid Tuesday nights. ;) Supposedly. We'll see *grumble*), playing Sims when my computer will let me, and collecting/photographing my ABJDs (asian ball joint dolls), aka according to Dena my "creepy" dolls.

Uhm, I suck at intros, really and they make me terribly nervous, so anything else you want to know, just ask? :)

Anyways, hi again and thank you for welcoming me to your game so warmly in chat the other day!
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[Feb. 10th, 2011|02:00 pm]


Hey guys! Stacey here with my second character! This is Yaxara Dabisch. You can read her info here. I've added links to the page to sources about the planet Betazed and Betazoid culture if you want to read up. Although I might just make an info post. She's a Betazoid and just completely awesome. (Aliens of the Enterprise unite!) She's Uhura's second, and works Beta shift. (So Beta shift unite!)

Anyway quick points. Her mother was the Betazoid ambassador to a few different planets. So Yaxara grew up on a few planets almost as much as she did Betazed. These were Andoria, Earth, Trill, and Halii.

She can be considered rather free-spirited by Terran standards, and she's a phenomenal listener and advice giver. She's also another telepath/empath on ship, and she's exceptionally highly trained as using their abilities correctly and responsibly is sort of an epically huge point with Betazoids.

But this is all in her information. Which you should definitely read!

Meanwhile I'm going to hunt down more icons.

<3 Stacey
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[Feb. 3rd, 2011|05:59 pm]

Hello everyone! I'm Julie, and I'm bringing in the space babe Ilia from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. She's an alien, a Deltan, and one of the navigators of the Enterprise. She attended Starfleet Academy just around the same time as most on the ship did (2254-2258), and as one of the only Deltans at the school people either knew her or knew of her; anyone whose approached her knows she is one of the most friendliest people around. :)

Her bio and personality can be found right here on the front page of her journal, as well as a dropbox. I'm also reachable through AIM (abatinthebellfry) and email ( I look forward to playing with everyone!
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and another one... >.> [Feb. 2nd, 2011|06:23 pm]
[Feels Like | busy]

Hi-hi! Beth, your resident mod, here bringing in my #3: Ensign Dawson Walking Bear, a gamma shift bridge pilot! Wooooo~ (BTW, a note about his name: like the Bajorans, his surname is listed first followed by given name. So he'd be addressed as "Ensign Dawson" or "Walking Bear"-- or W.B., really, since that's what he goes by.)

So W.B. is quiet and sometimes shy but generally friendly. He has an interest in history, was roommates with Sulu at the Academy. His biggest thing, though, is that he's spent his entire life, excepting time at the Academy, has been spent living on Starships. So he's probably one of the most well-adjusted to living in space around. His full bio can be found here.

Anyway! Would love to plot-- particularly with people from his Academy year and stuff. :) Threads are also fun, as are friendships! And things like that! You can reach me on AIM (bether is here), G!chat (sparklee) or through email ( or just reply here. ^^ Whatever, I'm easy. (As you probably already know. ;))

Right! Boys! Yay~
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Yeoman Rand Reporting for Duty [Jan. 31st, 2011|08:14 pm]


I really suck at these intros so please forgive the dorkiness.

Hi I'm Selina, Janny, Jan, Hey you!...whatever.

I'll be playing the frustrated yeoman that's going to try to keep Jim's life in order.  (Yes she knows everyone's laughing at that idea but she's determined.)  Jan's a little shy, a little OCD, and a complete coffee snob.  The application on her journal is going to be tweaked slightly over the next few days, but the basics like her personality and most of her back story are going to stay the same. 

If you want to ping me and say hello, I'm sfgirlfriday on AIM.

(And this icon and ones like it is the closest we're going to get to the awesome basketweave beehive, sorry everyone!)

P.S.  I LOVE the pic of Jan in uniform!
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