New Frontiers OOC - April 2nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 2nd, 2011

[Apr. 2nd, 2011|03:16 pm]

Ummm. . . oops?

I totally thought I'd posted a little hiatus note, but I didn't, so my apologies! I've had some ongoing health issues crop up and eat me. HOPEFULLY it's starting to stabilize now though, so I'll try to be around more often!

I've got a lot to catch up on, so I'll be reading up, and give me a poke if there's something I should know, or if you'd like Sulu for anything.

And if I missed any new arrivals, hi! I'm Dena, I play Sulu. *waves*
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[Apr. 2nd, 2011|07:36 pm]



Dena's post reminded me that I should let everyone know I'll be on hiatus April 16-20 so Giotto and Ann won't be around then.

I may not be around much next weekend either since my parents will be in town (or I may spend all night online to destress - who knows?)
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