New Frontiers OOC - December 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 14th, 2010

Introduction! [Dec. 14th, 2010|02:16 pm]



Allow me to introduce myself, hello I am Ally and I am bringing the very sexy and not dead Gaila into the game! I'm so very excited to have her here, I've played her before randomly but for the longest time she's been wanting a home so I jumped at the chance to have her here.

If you need to get in contact with me you can do so through aim at timeconverges or through email at Feel free to hit me up for plots and what not, I'm up for anything

Ally :D
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The Most Important Intro of All [Dec. 14th, 2010|09:24 pm]



Crew of the Enterprise, this is your captain speaking. The one, the only, Captain James Tiberius Kirk, that is! Boom!

Sorry, I'm really, really excited right now.

My name is Rachel and I will be bringing you Captain Kirk, the guy who always knows what he's doing. Honest! His bio can be found over here, but if you don't know who Kirk is, shame on you.

I'm looking forward to setting up interactions with ALL the crew (Kirk's looking at you, ladies), so hit me up here or on aim at sinisteraglets.
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