March 11th, 2010

[info]a_heros_coward in [info]litooc

The system is down...

Hey party people,

I'm here as messenger for our shared acquaintance Jess, whose computer has gone on the fritz. As I'm sure we all know, budgets don't always allow for computers to just go crazy whensoever they feel like it, so things may be shaky on Jess' end for a little bit while this is all worked out.

On my own behalf, as some of you know, I recently got a new job which is some crazy PST hours and it's taking some getting used to on my end, finally having a job that I have to go to every day for long hours... so that's why there hasn't been a peep from my end so far. When things are more settled, I promise I have no abandoned y'alls. It's just some adjusting.

Thanks ever as always for your patience,

From the offices of Jess & Miko

Or just Miko.

On Jess' behalf.