February 24th, 2010

[info]stoic__survivor in [info]litooc

Ya'll are way too much fun to talk to, you know that?

I have to go. So shh! Stop tempting me to stay. I could bat comments back and forth with you lovely ladies foreva.

BBL! <3 You two continue to have fun without me - but not too much fun. Behave!

[info]shesborntorun in [info]litooc

Plot Information

Do we determine our own destiny? Is there any truth to the idea of destiny? Is it destiny or determinism? We all know our choices create consequences, but in those choices are we following down the path to our destiny?

That to me are the questions LOST is posing in the final season, and I’d like for those questions to be things you consider as we start this community. My biggest problem in starting the community (other than my personal ones) has been how to reconcile the deaths of characters some of you want to play and give us something fresh.

We are starting at the beginning of this season.

No one is one the island – but it is not underwater.
Edited: It was easier to say everyone was on the plane. Of course Richard, Jacob and the Smoke Monster would be there.

Everyone had a reason to be in Sydney, everyone is on the plane. You know your characters’ arc, so you’ll have to create a reason for them to be on the plane. They all crash, again. (If you remember from Peter Pan, the author says it’s happened before it will happen again.)

To keep the peace and sanity, there must be some common truths. In the show there were common cliques. Those people will have shared major memories. The original Oceanic group will remember the first crash. The others will remember burying their members. If Richard and Jacob came to visit you, you’ll recognize them. As groups you can get together and choose other common memories, as each clique needs more than one memory in which to bond them.

The entire team will have to work together, but your initial responses to the characters should be the first thing you remember. Kate instinctually did not trust Juliet for a number of reasons; once again she won’t trust her.

There are no current ships. You and another player can plan to make that happen, if you wish to by orchestrating within your character arcs, or let things happen naturally. Until we have a Jack he is in a coma, with Juliet taking care of him.

There may be things (personal) that your character chooses never to remember. They will all know the huge plot points that happened in the story; those your character will remember as the story unfolds. Not all at once.

It seems to me (after many discussions with Ginni) that this final season is an “its A Wonderful Life,” storyline, that without the island the world will implode. How we affect others and the hole that is caused when we aren’t there.

All of this has taken a great deal of thought and I hope this helps. I have made changes, but those were to keep players happy and hopefully resolve any confusion. I do not want to see this as a replay of the show; there are plenty of communities doing that.

Our muses will determine how our storyline continues.

As for individual memories: Jack and Kate’s engagement they both should remember they were romantically close or neither of them. Shannon and Boone would they remember they were siblings? Pairs should work that out. Major items like that the characters could some inkling of the incident, if it is in their memories.

If you have a dream or flash backward that helps you to remember make sure the other people in the thread which means I can’t put up a comment about remembering the engagement without making sure it’s okay with Jack.

I hope this is clearer.

[info]shesborntorun in [info]litooc

Group Common Truths

This is the post where the cliques post suggested common truths. We use these to unit each group from the beginning.

I will reply to this comment several times to start threads, so there is an order and ongoing log of what everyone remembers, which will help new members. You can give suggestions to any group, but pay particular attention to the memories of your clique, as those affect you. I do reserve the right to say no, but as always, I think it should be a group consensus.