February 21st, 2010

[info]shesborntorun in [info]litooc

Ready .... Set

Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lengthy absence. Out of respect to the moderators of my current communities that I should catch up in those first.

So now it's time to start.

The decision was to start with the first season. But I'd like to propose this to everyone stealing a bit from Supernatural and the season opener.

My thought is to go with the explosion - have everyone on the plane, as in all of our characters, and the plane re-crashes. You decide what things your character remembers from their previous time on the island.

Everything will still be intact. They will all know each other, they will know the island, etc. Think groundhog day idea sorta.

Tell me what you think. I'd say Jack should post first but Emma is really busy at school, so although we are Jackless - we aren't Jackless - if that makes sense.

I'd like to start Wednesday night if that works - if not the weekend. I hope that's enough lead time.

love you all