October 27th, 2013

[info]calliebug in [info]lissasicons

Welcome to Lissa's icons. I make icons that I need and can't find. I have decided to share these icons with other people in case you're looking for the same things I am.

As of right now, I am not taking requests, but if I find some extra time and there is something in particular you are wanting, I may occasionally open up requests. If you do request something, please include links to what you are wanting rather than just a name. Please keep in mind that I am unable to make screencaps due to a weak internet connection, so any screencaps will either need to be provided or linked.

My directory is open so that you can see what I have before joining. Membership is open, so you don't have to wait for me to add you. Once you join, all of my entries will be tagged with the following:
  • Playby name
  • What the icons are from (movie name, tv show name, photoshoots, etc)
  • Suggested characters or the character they play. Most of the time it will just be who they play but if there's someone I feel strongly about them portraying otherwise, I may offer those suggestions as well.
  • Physical description indicators, like hair color and eyes.
If you use my icons, I ask that you please credit them to either [info]lissasicons or [info]calliebug . Commenting if you use them is appreciated (so that I know what people like and it always feels good if people want to use something you made), but not required.

[info]calliebug in [info]lissasicons

Naya Rivera - 78

Naya Rivera
78 Icons
Last Updated: October 27, 2013

If you use any of my icons, please comment and credit. Please don't edit without permission.

These icons are all from screencaps of Glee, all from 5.02 Tiny in the Sky with Diamonds and 5.03 The Quarterback. Includes icons with Chord Overstreet, Chris Colfer, Demi Lovato, Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele.


78 Naya Icons )