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[08 Aug 2018|10:42am]
while i am trying to get him put together little by little, i wanted to throw him out for some lines to maybe help round him out a bit. this is min chanwoo, 24 years old, born and raised in daegu, student at yonsei university's college of pharmacy and clerk at a herbal/traditional medicine shop owned by his very aging, but still alive and kicking grandparents. he probably gets lip from people all the time doing it and i expect can argue because of it, but chanwoo has a generally patient and quiet temperament, is fairly unperturbed by a lot, and i imagine just kind of sticks to his own without being too wild. if he's out with friends, he's the quiet observer and probably the one telling everyone they need to drink more water or else they're going to feel horrible in the morning. its potential for being a stick in the mud, but hyungwon has a bit too much goofiness to be completely staunch. there's a total nerd in there, i know it.

i did update his blurb with a quick run down of his life prior to skyview, and there is still a lot of room for lines! currently, he is a big brother sort of friend to [info]squeak, childhood friends with [info]cuttlefsh, a "drug" buddy of [info]stitches after they hit it off talking about medicines, and has a handful of other lines in the works, so any mutuals off those would be great! cousins, others in the field of medicine, students at yonsei, people he knows from the medicine shop or from being around the medicine market from time to time, first aid patients or anyone he might've convinced of at least therapeutic properties of old school medicine (because even he knows big pharma does have benefits), exes of either gender, friends of all varieties, the good, bad, and ugly stuff, anything we can brainstorm up!
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[08 Aug 2018|03:14pm]
hello everyone! since i'm about to app him, i figured i'd do this and fish for some more lines. this is gunner cho, 24 year old jack of all trades who works at [info]recorplayer's store and he's also his roommate and best friend, god help kyu. he's [info]nightlife's punk little brother, originally from jeju and moved to seoul when jae did because he's a follower, not a leader. he's just kind of floating his way through life and he could use a second job if anyone needs coworkers! personality-wise he's very upbeat, emotionally reactive, and down for anything. life of the party, if you would. he tends to get himself into laughably stupid situations that kyu or jae usually have to get him out of, but he's very charming and lovable nonetheless and he kind of tends to use that to his advantage. he's very fun and personable, but quite immature.

as for lines, aside from a roommate/best friend and a sibling, he's pretty well open! i could use, like i said above, coworkers at a second part time job, flings and exes of either gender, drinking/party buddies, someone who's tasked themselves with trying to calm him down and groom him into something more sustainable (good luck with that!), anyone connected to kyu or jae, or something completely different! let's plot it up.
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[ viewing | August 8th, 2018 ]
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