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[19 Feb 2018|11:06am]
Hey everyone! It's been a moment since I've done this, and I'm absolutely terrible at it. I'll have a whole spew in my head and none of it makes its way onto the post. Anyway! Kishik here has been around for a little bit now and I feel like there are people he SHOULD know but doesn't and we need to fix that because he wants to love everyone okay.

Kiki USED to be a vet tech but....that's just not the case anymore but he still organizes bimonthly adoption events so if you need a fur baby/have adopted one recently he very well may be the guy you are looking for to help set that up. Work wise, he is now [info]malware's personal assistant so you've likely seen him hovering over him with schedules and coffee and whatever else the guy needs (no kiki, we won't say your boss is awfully bossy!)

His absolute BEST FRIEND is [info]biaswrecker, but he would die without [info]natalchart, [info]undercut, and [info]pikapika. He's getting really close with [info]kimchi and [info]urusai is his favorite person to scandalize. He's got an ex turned amazing friend in [info]squeak. You'll likely see him with [info]guccigang A LOT because. Well. He might be getting heart eyes.

But yes! Those missing lines please come forward and let's love one another.
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