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[30 Oct 2017|11:39am]
okay! now that things are less of a train wreck i can get my life in order. this is jackson, he's 23 (24 at the end of nov), he's your typical adopted only child raised by a single mother back in brookyln, ny. he's originally from reno, nv and moved from a few foster homes cross country during his early years before getting that permanent home around eleven. though he doesn't tend to share that information out like candy so he usually leaves it at having a mom back in the states and that's that.

he graduated from usc in linguistics and visual culture, which essentially is film/photography/languages/etc etc. he likes the arts. thanks to his mom always ranting and raving about sk along with his one semester he took to study abroad over there, he ended up being highly interested and eventually moved out there to teach english to students in k-5. he's only been here for a couple years now, so he's still a little bit of a newbie. personality wise, he's your outgoing bubbly guy who loves living in the moment and being surrounded by people. he has an affinity to caps and exclamation points when he's excited or passionate. he is that type who seemingly has a lot of friends but there's only a small handful that he'd actually really call friends who do know the less sunshine-y parts of jackson. i think he's mostly like that because he's afraid the dark sides of him are too much to handle and if he dips into it, he won't get back to being his sunshine self again or worse, scare people away.

anyway, i'm going to stop this from getting ridiculously long! here's some tentative facts and i'm totally open for any and all the lines! he needs a roommate or two, friends, he's a dancer (mostly as a hobby) so fellow dancers that he takes classes with or from would be cool, fellow podcast/documentary lovers, others interested in the arts/cultures/languages, past flings m or f, or we can just randomly come up with something ridiculously out there. oh! he's really close friends with [info]undercut and they used to live together when they were in california. thank you for indulging me in this epically long rant!
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