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[28 Oct 2017|10:08pm]
OKAY SO i don't really know where to start because she's still a work in progress. this is jia and she's [info]wino's cousin and a twitch streaming cosplayer with an affinity towards any king of powerful or magical girl. loves to eat, hates to cook even though she's not a bad cook. what information i do have for her is here and it'll probably get updated as often as i think of stuff. i'm horrible at these posts i'm sorry but i'm friendly so let's figure things out?
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[28 Oct 2017|11:33pm]
heyyyyy. okay, so i'm gonna give this another shot. i have yoon eunjae here! he's currently 21 years old and is currently studying veterinary medicine at snu. he grew up in suncheon and moved overseas to vancouver to stay with an aunt so he could gain a bit more cultural experience and polish up his english just a tad. he moved to seoul about a year ago to attend snu at his parents' request, where he ultimately decided to study to be an animal doctor instead of a people doctor because lbr animals are better than people. eunjae also produces his very own podcasts where he talks for hours at a time about true crime things, weird and creepy stuff like serial killers and unsolved mysteries. all of that junk. he also doubles as a part time dog walker for people in the building and in the general vicinity of the apartment building, so if anyone needs their pet watched or walked or whatever, he's your guy. personality wise i would say he's a bit arrogant but unaware of it, bit of a space case, extraverted, bratty, confident, bold, easily bored, emotional, sensitive, never sleeps, kind of aloof at times but he means well overall. he loves people so lines are a must! a childhood friend would be pretty cool, maybe a roommate, neighbors, people who like board & card games, someone to call him out on his brattiness occasionally and bring him back down to earth, schoolmates, someone he dances with since it's one of his background hobbies, someone/multiple people for soju saturdays. i'm open to really anything since he's essentially a blank slate where lines are concerned and i love heavy plotting so let me know if you guys have any ideas or need anything as well! thanks!
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[ viewing | October 28th, 2017 ]
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