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[13 Jun 2017|04:12pm]
hello! as i'm now in the dreaded bio stage i thought it'd be a good time to introduce her a little and see what we can come up with! this is tomita miki, a 21 year old art student and part time babysitter. she's been here around 2 or 3 years? i'm bad at math so please excuse if that makes no sense, but she lives here now, so! she grew up in england and comes with the accent and extensive use of the letters u and s, is very friendly, open, cute and bubbly at first glance, not at all shy (sometimes to the point of tmi), ready for anything, and loves to talk, talk, talk. on the flipside she's impatient, short tempered, actually very easily bored and has a habit of leaving in the middle of things, be it conversations, films, whatever. she grew up very independent and it shows, and she's trying to mellow out and be less of a flake as she gets older but generally is happy being herself: soft on the outside, chewy on the inside. i have some more here and i'd really love anything! friend things, ex-things, an ex-roommate or current roommate who doesn't mind her tiny fluffy zoo, anyone she's rubbed the wrong way, people who put up with her restlessness, calm influences, bad influences, korean teachers, literally anything!!!
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