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[31 May 2017|04:30am]
hey guys, this is asher hwang. he's 25 and was born and raised in new york, first in a small town and then in chinatown, before he moved to seoul his sophomore year of high school. he's a dj who gets some scattered gigs here and there, but mostly he works as a bank teller and it destroys his soul daily. he can be a little bit antisocial and is kind of a weirdo, but he tended bar for a couple years throughout college so there could definitely be connections there and he's friendly enough to try and at least pretend to function in society. all i have so far is that he's [info]zinthosraven's best friend, exes with [info]nokcha, unlikely but really good high school friends with [info]hexagram and something in the works with [info]mockingbirds but i can always use more!
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[31 May 2017|01:00pm]

aloha [info]apts! i bring to you upon a beautiful offering plate, aimi (who hates her name b/c so many people call her aims). i figured i'd start this before i'd have to leave for an appointment, and i hope to come back to pretty things! she was raised in a rather strict household, she is third generation born in america and an only child. her parents were your classical 'do this and you'll become the greatest at it' or 'one day you'll be a doctor or a lawyer or a musician because we helped get you there'. she was raised in seattle, washington but came to seoul for a year when she was eighteen and fell in hearty eyes with the city. she spent another year in tokyo (eating her way through shibuya). after growing tired, she attend uos and dated [info]swablu for awhile. she terminated the relationship because of things. now they are friendly and he's one of the few people who can get her to relax. she's very, very uptight and takes her job at the social welfare office very seriously. i don't want to drag this on too much :/ some quick things about her (so, you can understand her a little better): she is not only uptight but doesn't enjoy mushy stuff, hates bright colors, loves food of every kind (just not fish/seafood stew), has a large teddy bear she sleeps with (will not admit to this in public), wears glasses that she's constantly pushing up her nose, wears her hair in a super tight bun (because she's crazy) and kind of sort wears her heart on her sleeve when she falls for someone. i would love everything and anything but now i'm going to the allergist and when i get back we brainstorm!

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[31 May 2017|09:40pm]
so i'm redoing this because there were some mistakes that were made the first time around that i wasn't aware of until it was pointed out to me so i've tweaked levi a little bit and hopefully it's good now, i'm very sorry!

so this is levi song, he was born originally in incheon but was given up as an infant. he knows nothing about his birth family or his past really, he was adopted by a second generation korean american family from new york. his adopted mother runs her own gallery in manhattan and his adopted father is a korean translator who traveled back and forth between south korea and america. levi himself was never really prone to making a ton of friends, was sent to a private school for his entire schooling career, took college courses before he graduated so that he could get his bfa and his mfa before he turned 24 (just barely). he became a tattoo apprentice about six months before suddenly deciding that he wanted to move to south korea, where he has now been for a few months and works as a tattoo artist there.

he's 25 now, friends with [info]hardstyle and lives with [info]panduh and hopefully his other lines still hold as well? he's got wanderlust pretty bad and has a tendency to just up and leave at random for a few days or a week or whatever, he pretends he's a photographer and he's not bad but it's mostly for his own pleasure, he's really into nature, smokes too much, is socially weird and feels emotions but isn't particularly good at showing them. kind of morbid, very private, gets in weird moods often, he's still not much for dating because he's a weirdo so i can't do exes but maybe someone who had a crush on him that he looked at weird when they tried to flirt because he couldn't decide if they were about to play a practical joke on him? sorry again for having to post again but i just wanted to get some things fixed and cleared up, my bad
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[31 May 2017|10:13pm]
hi everyone! i just wanted to post in here and see if anyone could use him to fill things! i'm still getting a lot of the minor details together but so far this is noah park, he's twenty-six and currently a graduate student of mathematics at seoul national and is a swim instructor in his spare time. he was born and raised in san francisco and went to uc berkeley for his undergrad before deciding to try his hand at studying in seoul for a reason that i still have yet to come up with. i'd like a few lines to start while i figure out the rest of him, so i'd love anything you have to throw at me! family and friends would be nice, swimming students, maybe people from seoul national who've had him as a ta?
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