don't need no hero-- - July 25th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
She Likes the Villain -- An Icon and Graphics Comm

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July 25th, 2011

majandra delfino as maria deluca. (001-119) [Jul. 25th, 2011|01:55 pm]


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Why can't these aliens ever get in trouble somewhere decent? Like Graceland or Tahoe or New Orleans. No, Utah. Mormons and mountains. )
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rose mcgowan as paige matthews. (01-22) [Jul. 25th, 2011|02:13 pm]


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Could someone please tell me how I ended up in a coffin? )
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gareth david-lloyd as ianto jones. (001-078) [Jul. 25th, 2011|02:22 pm]


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Like you'd care. I clean up your shit, and that's the way you like it: no questions asked. When's the last time you asked me about my life? )
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gareth david-lloyd as ianto jones. (079-146) [Jul. 25th, 2011|10:20 pm]


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Oh, I wouldn't be too sure. That's the thing about gloves, sir; they come in pairs. )
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