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seattle, washington : threading

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[21 Sep 2011|10:55am]

Who: [info]nateportnoy & [info]charliesummers
What: Drinks!
When: backdated Tuesday evening [9-20-11]
Where: A bar (I don't remember if we decided which one lmfao)
Rating/Status: TBD/In progress

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR! )
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[30 Jun 2011|07:44am]

Who: Travis and Ruby
What: 3 a.m. Bike Ride
When: Backlogged to Monday June 27th
Where: Wherever the road takes them
Rating: Unknown

The open road was a sacred thing.... )
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Broken Bodies in a Deathrock Dancehall [21 May 2011|12:58pm]

WHO: Ruby Saint, Travis Walker and anyone who might be at the Eagles Dare show, at least to start with.
WHAT: Sweaty people, grinding music, and the drinks that Ruby owes to Mr Walker.
WHERE: The Tractor Tavern
WHEN: Friday night (20th May)
WARNINGS: Probably language at least. The rest is TBD.

Accelerated blood beat, veins are shaking, and all Hell breaks loose... )
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And really bad eggs? [03 May 2011|09:37pm]

WHO: Ruby and Jack
WHAT: A coincidental meeting in a rather unlikely setting.
WHERE: The Pirate Store
WHEN: Tuesday, May 3rd. Early afternoon.
WARNINGS: Maybe some swearing? Whatever trouble Ruby might drag him into..

You have to follow the code... )
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[01 Apr 2011|10:20am]

Who: Dani and Jamie
What: Lunch and sibling bonding {attempt}
When: Wedneday afternoon
Where: The Diner
Rating: PG-13 for possible language
Status: Incomplete

Getting to know you again... )
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