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January 30th, 2014

[info]notsosplendid in [info]light_of_may

this sibling rivalry is kind of one-sided, don't you think?

WHO | Glenda and Belinda
WHERE | Their parents' home
WHEN | Early afternoon

And okay, so the thought made her almost miss her sister. Almost. )

[info]diary_of_jane in [info]light_of_may

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do

Who: Daisy and Jane
Where: The park
When: Early afternoon

The shitty weather was just one item of the grand list of reasons why Jane hated this place. And yet, here she was. Of course the fault could mostly be placed on the fact that she had no money or prospects to go anywhere else. Speaking of which, she really ought to get a more permanent sort of job, and amp up the advertisement for her own skills. This town was full of witches for hire and that made it a competitive career path. Who would have ever thought?

Not that she was quitting magic, quite the opposite. Jane was dead set on improving her magic; she had warded pretty much everything she owned by now and even dark-warded a few things against robbers (nothing serious, nothing that would kill the trespassers). And there was no slight joint pain that could escape her budding healing skills now. Still, Jane had recently concluded she ought to start thinking about alternatives. While she jogged Jane made a mental list of jobs she could apply for. They were all entry level and shitty, as far as she could think.

"Great." She spat. Jogging was getting pretty old, so Jane slowed her pace to a halt and decided to do a little practice capoeira, which was the same as normal capoeira, only extremely slow. Like her life. Same as a normal one, only extremely, painfully slow.