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December 14th, 2013

[info]beforeyouspeak in [info]light_of_may

are we unnoticed or have we figured something out.

Who: Savvy and Kiley.
Where: SOHS.
When: Early evening.

Savvy didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of it sooner. It was dangerous, certainly, but there was always an inherent danger to using her powers to any degree, regardless of whether or not there was a gigantic barrier of some sort of magic in her way. She’d been in the middle of finishing off a particular intricate -- in her opinion, at least -- design on one of the restaurant’s accent walls when it had occurred to her and she’d almost had a genuine Eureka! moment to accompany it. It was all she’d been able to do to keep hold of the paintbrush in her grasp when it had hit her, practically with the force of a freight train, and as it was she’d made a rather embarrassing squeak of a sound that had had one of the other people in the room look her way as though she’d was either insane or had spotted a spider or some sort of errant rodent. Savvy had smiled at them in a manner she’d intended to be disarming but if the way they’d hurriedly shuffled out of the area was any indication it had probably come across more psychotic than anything else. Oops? Oh well.

By the time she was done with her work for the day she’d been beside herself with what she could only call excitement and she’d practically bolted all the way to the school as fast as her legs could carry her in order to find the one person who would be interested in the idea. Okay, the rest of pack around said person might be interested in the outcome, if it worked, but it was one person in particular that Savvy wanted to pitch it to.

“Kiley!” she’d exclaimed when she’d gotten close enough to spot her friend and that distinctive head of red hair, raising one hand in the air to wave it to help get the other young woman’s attention. God, she probably looked like an idiot. Hey, nothing new there, right?

[info]codebreaking in [info]light_of_may

it's been a hard day's night and i been working like a dog.

Who: Teddy and Slevin (and Boo, NPC).
Where: Teddy’s room at the motel/hotel Omega are staying at.
When: Early evening, around the same time as this.

They were getting low on painkillers. That was all Teddy kept thinking as he reached for the bottle he’d set beside his workstation in his room. It had been a simple desk with complimentary stationary at one point before their arrival but he had made short work of converting it and now it looked like every techie hacker’s dream. Wiring tucked out of the way, monitors and harddrives and keyboards, everyone someone in his position could ever want or need. Right now though it wasn’t bringing him nearly as much simple joy as it usually did, not when he was taxing himself the way he had been since that stupid bubble had popped up around that stupid school. The bottle in his hand rattled distinctly and when he popped the lid off he saw that there were, in fact, only a small amount of pills left inside. Teddy sighed and checked his watch. It had been long enough since his last dose that he could take more.

He would have to get up from the desk in order to get a glass of water. No one else was allowed to have food or drink close to his gear and Teddy was anything but a hypocrite on that front, not when a lot of the equipment was worth more than the manager of the motel made in a year. Maybe that was an exaggeration but he was past the point of caring. Looking down at the pills in his palm he decided he didn’t need water. He hadn’t for the last dose either. Popping them in his mouth he swallowed them dry and then pushed his glasses up from his face with his fingers which he went on to use to rub his eyes with. They were aching enough that he’d had to dig the glasses out of the drawer where he’d tucked them and it was with a sigh that he had done so. All the electronics at the school had sent his powers into overdrive to the point where a migraine had settled in and wasn’t showing any signs of letting up any time soon, especially not since he was using them to try and come up with some kind of explanation. Fae, witches, elementals, demons, angels, there were so many branches of the supernatural to investigate, so many possible explanations, that Teddy had barely gotten any sleep since this whole thing had started in favour of continuing the search.

Time was getting away from him, which he only realised when he felt a distinctly familiar tug on the hem of his pants leg. When he looked down his glasses fell forward and he had to fumble to catch them before they tumbled right off his head altogether. A small leonine face looked up at him, the material of his pants still hooked on sharp little teeth. “Hey,” Teddy complained, reaching down with one hand to prize his clothing back from the cub. “How many times, huh? No chewing or tugging or gnawing of any kind.” He paused then, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed. “When did you get here? No, scratch that. How did you get here?” Last he’d checked the door had been well and truly sealed shut.

[info]tamest in [info]light_of_may

on the rising curve, where the ways of nature will test every nerve.

Who: Sam and Jo.
Where: SOHS.
When: Early evening, after this.

The house had been empty by the time he’d made his way back there and he’d made sure to change back to human form before heading inside the house again. Someone had left a blanket on the back porch for him and he’d used it to make his way up to his room to get dressed, wasting as little time as possible. It wasn’t until he was about to leave the house that he realised something. People used keys to lock houses, didn’t they? Sam didn’t have keys to the Summers house. If he left then the house would be empty and unlocked and that didn’t seem secure. That didn’t seem right.

It was as he was worrying about this, turning a little on the spot as he tried to puzzle out a solution, that he saw the bowl and inside it a scrap of paper serving as a note. On top of the note was a metal key and a plastic keyring attached with the house’s address upon it. The note read: To lock the house, in case you feel like taking a walk. Sam wasn’t sure whose handwriting it was or the paper carried the scent of so many members of the Summers family that it was impossible to pin it down that way. Someone had had enough foresight to leave a key for him though, and after only a few moments of hesitation he scooped it out of the bowl and put it to use, tucking it deep, deep down into the very bottom of his pocket afterwards so that he wouldn’t lose it. Several times as he made his way from the house to the school where the Summers pack had congregated he checked it was still there, settling his hand against the small bulge in his pocket or digging his hand inside to feel the shape of the key, the slightest bite of its metal teeth, the smoothness of the plastic of the labelled keyring.

Sam was a little short of breath when he reached the school and for a moment when he got there he lost it altogether. There were so many people and as he stood there taking it all in he doubted himself, doubted the urgency with which he had come here. Was it really so important to tell someone he’d seen another wolf? That other wolf hadn’t attacked, hadn’t crossed the invisible line into Summers territory. Maybe he shouldn’t have come.

There were just so many people, more than Sam had had to deal with in a while. Standing there with one hand pushed deep into his pocket and his other nervously wringing around the length of scarf hanging from around his neck Sam strongly considered turning around on the spot and heading back to the house.

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[info]oneyouimagined in [info]light_of_may

i got a little piece of you

WHO | Katia & Nikita
WHERE | Nikita's house --> Heme
WHEN | Night
NOTES | Dialogue in italics is spoken in Russian.
WARNINGS | Minimal violence, sexual themes.

Besides, Katia didn't show up in Scarlet Oak to watch her childe squander herself on another vampire. )