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March 16th, 2012

[info]fairyofair in [info]light_of_may

Still feel the rainfall bouncing off my skin

Who: Eilidh and *OPEN*
When: Midday
Where: Clothing store

Eilidh had been in the Mortal Realm for several weeks and she felt as though she had not even made a dent in absorbing all of the information they had to offer. It seemed like every day when she woke up and headed out she was all-but assaulted with waves of new knowledge that even she wasn't able to absorb all at once. No these things took time, which so far as she knew she had an eternity of, and she was beyond thrilled with it. She hadn't lacked things to study or read at home, but she felt like she'd been getting close and here she had an entire history to comb through. The library had proven to be one of her favorite places, though she'd been most disappointed when they'd asked her politely to leave several nights in a row. Closing time was possible her least favorite thing. She didn't even understand the point of it. Wouldn't it be better if the doors were open all night so that everyone could seek knowledge whenever they found themselves in need of it?

Though today she wasn't seeking knowledge. Today she was seeking a warmer outfit. )

[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Thursday, September 3, 2009.


WEATHER: Still raining, though it lets up to a lighter drizzle in the evening.

EVENTS: The weather is making things difficult for recovery efforts, so high level air and water elementals are still a huge help.

The full moon is tomorrow, and it’s expected to be quite the somber affair. Ads and PSAs encourage any bitten weres without a safe place to go to local authorities and get help for the night, or to go to William Ballard House. Bram Moriarty still has a help line in place for those who desire cages of their own, but lack the funds for one.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

[info]rokudan_tsuchi in [info]light_of_may

My heart's a stereo

Who: Lux and Troy
Where: Troy's apartment over the dojo
When: early evening, around 6pm

It beats for you so listen close )