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January 15th, 2012

[info]balancingvenus in [info]light_of_may


for Venus and Trent.

[info]a_singing_cat in [info]light_of_may

I, I lost you

Who: Julian, Marisa and Jacob (NPC)
Where: Ann Arbor
When: Post 11:37am

One minute she was grinning and catching Jacob's hat before it flew away, thinking of what to text next while wondering if she'd be able to catch a glimpse of August just to wiggle her fingers at him and see him frown, and the next she was slumped against a wall with what felt a lot like pieces of glass embedded in her skin. The sky was clouded and there was all this noise. It was worse than downtown traffic in L.A. And she felt like she'd gotten hit by some sort of a truck. Groaning, ignoring the similar sounds from around her, Marisa pushed herself up onto her knees and shook the ringing out of her ears. Those bits of glass were going to take a bit more work. After she figured out what the hell had just happened. "Jacob, are you okay?" Marisa turned towards where her son had been only to realize that that wasn't right. Because she wasn't where she had just been. She'd moved without remembering and Jacob... she couldn't see him. "Jacob?" Ignoring the shrieks of protest from her body, Marisa scrambled to her feet and started to scream Jacob's name at the top of her lungs. He'd want to come. It had been his idea. He'd just wanted to have a bit of fun around other supernaturals and she hadn't seen anything wrong with it. There hadn't been anything wrong with it.

Until right the when there was absolutely everything wrong and Marisa forgot about everything that had been happening before because Jacob was gone.

[info]poltergeek in [info]light_of_may

And it feels like heaven's so far away

Who: Sam + NPCs
Where: Along the march route
When: After the big bang...s
Warning: Um...sadness and a dead person?

The world is so cold now that you've gone away )

[info]_maverick in [info]light_of_may


For possible Dominic/Camilla; will delete if I don't need it ♥

[info]runawayearth in [info]light_of_may

So I'll come back to take the weight off your shoulder

Who: Eva and Oz
Where: Krasner cottage
When: 5:00 p.m.ish

I can feel you when the wind dies down. )