Let life take you where it wants to go

November 9th, 2008

Life, or something like it.


November 9th, 2008

RP Log: Seamus/Lisa

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Characters: Seamus Finnigan and Lisa Turpin
Setting: A Muggle dive bar, the alley behind it, and Seamus's flat.
Summary: Well, since we had so many complaints about us just skimming over the sex and writing the actual PLOT, we decided to rectify that problem. So, after this conversation about sexual fantasies, Seamus and Lisa make one come true.
Rating: NC-17

Are you going to keep me company? )


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Who: Cal Harwood and Andrea Hall.
Where: Their hotel.
What: Cal admits cheating on her.
When: {BACKDATED} Monday, 3rd Nov. Evening.
Rating: Likely PG-13+
It was old and battered, the veneer scratched and it hardly looked like something worth keeping but it meant a lot to him. )

THRAD: Cordelia Robins & Roman Kaminski

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Who: Cordelia Robins and Roman Kaminski ([info]russianroman).
Where: The Silver Tongue and then Cordelias place.
What: Cordelia and Roman spend the night together.
When: (BACKDATED) 6th Nov.
Rating: NC-17.
Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you. And what it is that suprises me, is that I don't really want you to. And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night), Oh but you're an explosion (you're dynamite). Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand, Lighting the fuse might result in a bang, with a bang-go!  )
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