April 2013

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February 14th, 2013

[info]gavinalexander in [info]lifeinlalines

I figure before I really get going on this guy, I would see what's needed. Fallon-s said it was a good place to place to play. Hopefully she's right. Anyway, I've got nothing in his journal yet, but I'll fix it tonight.

This is Gavin Alexander, 26, pb Pete Wentz. He was born and raised in San Diego, moved to LA in his teens. He's divorced, but he and his ex (pb Ashley Simpson if anyone so desires) are on mutually friendly terms. They get along famously and split their 4yo son Kenny's time between them equally. He met her while he was trying to be a rock star. When that didn't pan out, he turned to tattooing, which worked out a lot better. He owns a tattoo shop in LA now. He's a really friendly guy, a definite flirt, drinks and smokes when he's off the daddy clock, is a really excellent dad, and has a dog named Edmund.

If you guys are in need of anything, I'd definitely be game to see if I can work it in to him while I do his journal. If you'd rather him fuck off and not join, well, thems the breaks, yeah? Hopefully, though, I can get some bites and get him in game. Fal-s speaks highly of all you shapes and your kids, so I'm looking forward to it.

ETA: He's going to own Living Ink, so give me all your lines including that. Kthx.