The Quarantined: To the Edge of the Earth's Journal
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Sunday, July 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    Please read the premise here before applying!


    Age: [since this is a mature game, if you're under the age of eighteen you won't be accepted into the game.]
    Time Zone: [this will not effect the mods' decision.]
    Your Character's PB [Please make sure to check the cast list of our sister game: [info]the_quarantined. Heroes & Lost currently withheld - if you'd like to provide your own picture for the cast list, please make sure it is Medium quality and at least 500x500.]:
    Previous Experience: [this will not effect the mods' decision.]
    Two Sample RP Links:
    Where did you hear about us?: [please be specific.]

    [IC Application - Please answer these questions as if they were being asked directly to your character!]

    What's your name?:
    Male or female?:
    How old are you?:
    Are you known by any other name?:

    Where were you born?:
    Where are you now?: [somewhere outside of the United States, New Zealand, Australia, or Sicily]
    What relationship do you have to the Quarantine?
    How do you feel about its existence? [If you don't want to pick a side, you might not want to be a part of this game.]
    Where were you when the Quarantine fell?
    What were you up to before?:
    What have you been doing since then?:

    Describe your build.:
    Describe your hair.:
    Describe your eyes.:
    Describe your personal style of clothing.:
    Describe any tattoos, piercings or identifiable marks.:

    Do you have any physical handicaps?:
    Do you speak languages other than your native tongue?:
    Are you alone, or affiliated with a group/organization? Why/how did you come to be this way?:
    Do you know the House of J?:
    Have you had any notable experiences with the resistance or the Pro Quarantine government?:
    Why do you care?:
    [the cast]
    Read more... )
    Please reply to this post if you would like to reserve a PB. You have a week to place in an application. We do not accept challenges. The "♣" symbol indicates that the hold has been extended. For mod reasons, some holds will not be permitted. NOTE: Heroes and Lost PBs are currently withheld.

    H O L D S
    Emily Deschanel

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