October 29th, 2011

[info]spencer_rising in [info]liberty_city

Who: Spencer, OTA, possibly council members
When: Friday, late afternoon
Where: HQ then outside
What: Spencer is being a hardass

Sorting through the housing paperwork that had been laid in her inbox, Spencer shook her head and sighed. They were being too forgiving with their extensions. She was pretty sure any sob story at all would garner an extension at this point. Apparently, no one but her stopped to consider the costs to the city when the citizens were granted leave to live for free past the 30 day deadline. Especially given that they were short an entire building thanks to the fire and new arrivals were coming every day. Soon, they'd have to turn away new people if they kept this up. Or risk being unable to offer the free housing that was so vital to getting as many survivors in one place.

Making marks on a few sheets, she sent them back to the housing department, half of the proposals now rejections. It used to hurt her to do that, back when they were just starting. She'd let a few slip, padding their books with her own personal money. If she'd kept doing that, she'd be homeless herself, though. And really, it wasn't helping anyone to continue on this way. They just needed to be thinking more efficiently. One thing she could do, though, and did, was donate to the rebuilding of the complex that had caught fire. It was a charitable donation, right?

Packing her files into her bag, she clicked her way down the hall, done for the day. Maybe she'd check on the progress they were making since yesterday's fire. She was so focused on her mission, she didn't notice she was on a collision course.