August 18th, 2011

[info]catch_fire in [info]liberty_city

But darlin' love's to blame

Who: Phoebe & Sebastian
When: Afternoon, around 3pm, Thursday
Where: A construction site
What: Sparks and infernos

They were wrong.

The single thought blazed through Phoebe's mind as she stormed out of the house. She ignored the calls behind her, begging her to stay. It couldn't be true. Parker was one of the single strongest people she knew, sharing the title only with her twin, Price. She refused to believe it, refused to allow the thought that he was dead even enter her mind.

As Phoebe swept down the block, past where they were building an apartment, she tried to rationalize what she'd just heard. The man who came to visit she and Caroline, the man who had been in Parker's regiment, could have been mistaken. Had to have been mistaken. Jackson had only seen Parker go into the building before it was attacked, it didn't mean that Parker had stayed in it. He was a damn strong Meta himself. He could have very well survived and said 'fuck this war' and left.

She reached a dead end on the road, so she turned around, not even sure where she was going. She just needed to run, get away. The city was suddenly too small for her. She found herself inside the future apartment, wandering through the halls. She screamed in frustration and the stack of lumber before her erupted in flames. The building was empty, she could take her pain out on it. Tears streamed down her face as her hands became glowing embers and she pushed the walls, threw things, destroyed anything she could touch.

After a few minutes of this, she sank down to the floor, spent. Absently, she tried to call the fire back to herself, put it out.

And it wouldn't stop.

The flames continued to feed on the building, consuming it in moments. She stood and tried again and again, but she couldn't stop the fire. Then the ceiling gave out and everything went dark.