Liberi Superum Plotting Comm's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Liberi Superum Plotting Comm

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[11 Sep 2014|09:16pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Hey all, this is Jill. Some of you might know me for various reasons, others might not. I meant to post this sooner but I got sidetracked by a few surprise RL-type events. Anyway, I've got 1 in game already, and 2 more nearly done.

Adelaide Fotini || Daughter of Apollo

- Addie needs/would like a little of anything.

I'll also be bringing in a daughter of Anubis and a son of Freyja by Saturday at the latest, just need to finish up their apps.

I can be reached for plotting here, via aim @snackrificiallamb, or my email/gchat is on Addie's page. Looking forward to playing with you all

[ viewing | September 11th, 2014 ]
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