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[accidental voice post.] [23 Sep 2013|08:35pm]

[Three year old laughter fills the air. Tiny foot falls follow after, with the occasional squeak from his shoes.] Gideon, no! [A crash, presumably into something with books, from the sound of the fall.]

[23 Sep 2013|08:01pm]

I hate this place.

Filtered to Dean [18 Sep 2013|11:18pm]

Dean, I found something on the internet and I really think you should see it.

video link under here )

[02 Sep 2013|04:02pm]

[Phone call to Sam Winchester]

[After Castiel notices he has not seen Sam in the main part of the church.]

[21 Aug 2013|08:36pm]

Echoing what the Doctor said, but if any of you need help in getting to the church, we're willing to help. Name's Rose, if we haven't met yet. I'd rather it be in better circumstances, but getting everyone to safety is more important.

[Filtered to Snape]
I know we didn't get to chat much when you stopped by the TARDIS, but if you and Lily Luna would like to come with us when we head to the church, I reckon the Doctor would wait for you both. Safety in numbers, yeah?

[21 Aug 2013|08:03pm]

Because this creepy fog thing isn't creepy at all... Anyone else seeing movement out there or is that just me?

[Filtered to all associated with Team Slayer]
You guys got the update thingie about this safe zone, right? That ringing a bunch of alarm bells for anyone else, because I'm dealing with a serious case of the wig here.

[04 Aug 2013|01:58pm]

Are there any men in Lexington by the name of Noah? I think perhaps we may need an ark if this weather persists.

[backdated to when everyone woke up in Hogwarts.] [15 Jul 2013|10:06pm]

So, this is what Hogwarts is like... cool. Castle's way bigger than the one we were based up in back in Scotland. And I didn't read the books, but I'm pretty sure that Willow and Dawnie would love to be here right now.

Filtered to Spike
What house did you get sorted into?

[02 Jul 2013|01:30pm]

[Private to Severus Snape]

Just saw that a few less than friendly types are still with us. Any chance I can woo you over to my new place to set up some wards again?

[01 Jul 2013|11:27pm]

OK, what's the sitch? I'm supposed to be in Scotland with a bunch of teenage girls and I wake up in this weird room that I've never seen before. Last I checked, I didn't have anything to drink and if this is some kind of freaky experiment thingie, you can leave me out of it. I just want to go home.

[01 Jul 2013|11:00pm]

If anyone out there has seen my brother Dean, he's 6'1, short light-brown hair, muscular build, green eyes, and in his mid 30's; please tell him that his little brother Sam is okay and looking for him.

Cas, if you're out there, I hope you're okay.

[30 Jun 2013|08:27pm]

Right. This isn't Torchwood. And this is definitely not London.

Anyone else out there?

Oh, what the hell, it's worth a shot...


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